A bit more transparent Minimap and maybe mini-battle log too

Title summarize everything so… yeah… it’s quite troublesome to turning off/on minimap just to watch what is behind or get ready for who is there. Also it doesn’t help is stairs get covered by it.

Well, that’s all I think.

The suggestions you said are fine but I really want a way to close the battle log on demand. Waiting for It to disappear when you want to click something under It Is annoying.


I agree with this — although another suggestion to also add for the minimap:

Once the stairs are discovered, they appear on the map, much like they do in RTDX. I feel this should also apply to traps, where they appear with a red X when they are discovered.

As well as mobile blocks such as water appearing differently on the map too, (say a much lighter blue, lighter red for lava etc)