Additional Fly Spots for the Southeastern Isle and Tanren Undercity

I believe both of these “sub-regions” could do with fly spots. (For the Undercity, it could be a cave room attached to the settlement, which then leads to a small outlook on the side of a cliff or something)

Agreed with Southeastern Isle, though the Undercity already has a short cut (Though it is located in Tanren itself) Personally I think that’s already fast enough but I might be able to see why people would want a even faster shortcut from Exbel.


I voted, but also I wanted to say Stormy summed up what I was originally going to post.

The shortcut we do have Is enough as Is to me.
This maybe begs the question If the Southeastern Village/Island should get a fly spot too. Even though most people don’t go back there after getting Dive unless they want a recruit from MT It’s more barren In content.

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what’s the shortcut to undecity?

Southwestern isle could use a fly spot too
Specifically the top left of the main cliff In Tanren City.

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Actually, perhaps rather than a fly spot to Southeastern Isle, a Lapras or something you can talk to could be added near the existing Archford fly spot? That way, it and the undercity as “sub regions” have similar methods of being accessed.

Like the ferry?
Another Lapras ferry would be cool. It makes more sense to be In the water, probably near the dock that has the dive spot to SFR. It fits better for Archford, for reasonable shortcuts to both of Its sub areas ( considering Tanren’s shortcut to Its respective “sub region” Is within Tanren Itself ), rather than 2 new fly spots, one of which Inessential to most players assuming It was even thought of being created.