Customised Sprites: Poll

It sounds like a cool idea… though I’m not sure if it would be such a great thing to have people walking round as custom sprites they have made… it might cause jealousy and/or anger towards the people who have customized sprites.

Another con is that some of the sprites may look rather unnatural and it could ruin how the game looks, although with the right sort of restrictions, this problem can be easily fixed.

I think this is a good sort of reward for people who are helping with PMU, because it is a feature that does not give anybody any advantages when it comes to game play. Currently though, I cannot decide whether I am for or against this idea, since it seems rather equally balanced in its pros and cons.

Also, Sannom, you said there were more ways to contribute than just the MFAP, could you list some of these other ways so that we can see the ways one might go about obtaining a customized sprite?


The idea is wonderful. Although, If people who contribute to PMU only get it, it wouldn’t be fair… I mean we, the people of PMU would like some equality. Not everyone can contribute for various reasons due to lack of skill or PMU isn’t looking for contribution or something like that.( In the near future or something.) The idea of having it as an item to have a custom sprite is a excellent idea. An Item that can’t be dropped nor traded and cannot be lost in dungeons is a very good start.

Competition also is a very tedious task for everyone to accomplish. Not many can win. Most of us try and lose. So distributing them in Map contests or something like that isn’t a very good idea too… maybe the item should be as rare as a oval stone. But in a very hard dungeon or something. Just some ideas. :B

Of course. Contributing graphic art, music, ideas even! Obviously we won’t award a custom sprite to anyone who goes ’ this is my idea; you should add a dungeon with […] ', or things like that. It has to be something of revolutionary proportions! Or almost. Maybe we’ll even reward players who show excellence in their behaviors, who knows?

Ok so the idea of making your own sprites is kinda good…
But i kinda dislike it because its out of the Pokemon rage, by this i mean creating new pokemon or changing their colors will be completely Fakemon…
I really think people should be rewarded…but not like this, maybe making the pokemon…i dont know maybe…Shiny!
The idea is good, but recoloring them will be a lot of Fakemon stuff…
I voted Yes for the idea anyway and i hope mine is going to be heard aswell…

We will not let people create completely fake pokémon. And we will probably not allow such drastic changes ( fakemon ).

Now that i look at this, i can see a few cons.

In all honesty, by the way you said it sannom on the first post, it sounds like bribary…

No offense at all, but it does.

Maybe insted some item like Yang mentioned insted?

I fail to see what sounds like a bribery. We don’t even know as of now what makes someone eligible to a custom sprite. The things suggested on this topic will all be taken into consideration. This is why we speak of it to fellow players.

But I can tell you one reason why an item couldn’t work. The only way custom sprites can be implemented right now is through manual spriting. We need an update every time a sprite is added, and that does not save custom sprites from it… Unless the item was a ‘token’ that can be given to a staff member, which will then sprite the requested changes…

See how complicated it’s becoming? Heheh. Take everything on this topic with a grain of salt.

This Is Better aidea Mybe Just Shiny pokemns
And i dont remember who’s idea of equip items shown on the pokemons sprite (like crowns ,blades ,bandanas,necklaces, rings etc…)

You guys offer us some random item or something (in this case, the sprite thing) in return for some 5th gen sprites or other things. IF you just blatantly asked us to, most of us would have said no.

And again, the equality thing comes up. I do like the whole 5th gen thing, but maybe you guys could insted give a diffrent prize, or no prize at all? (besides maybe a thank you or something.)

People who help or donate money are already getting the contributor rank. We want to know if you guys are interested in an extra bonus. If not, it’s fine, there won’t be custom sprites. At least not for players. It’s not bribery at all, as me and Fennes already handle the 5th gen sprites very well. But we think that if players want to have a chance at contributing without being staff, there should be a reward, and this is the reward we suggest in addition to contributor status.

And you speak as if it was all set in stone, when it really isn’t. There might be other ways to obtain the right to owning a customised sprite.

Catch my drift?

I vote no. This would make players that have trouble mapping/spriting or cant give money jealous, like me. And i think it would ruint the point of PMU.

You think we should stop having mapping contests with that, since not everyone is good at mapping? Those house expansions are unfair, from what you tell me, but despite that, most players love the bi-annual competition.

Voted yes, and considering joining MFAP…
Maybe we could add shadow Pokemon, with slightly more buffed stats, like more attack than usual, but less defense than usual…?

We want to keep this visual only, since, well, it would be unfair that a player has access to mechanics another player has not. But good idea, I’ll still note it and discuss it with the admins.

Also, maybe like shiny pokemon, have the shadows incredibly rare to find? That is, if you do accept… :/

I personally love the Shadow Pokemon idea. As for shinies, we already had plans for those, although not everything has been decided about those as of now ( Rarity, recruit chances, etc… )

Actually, I meant have the odds of finding a shadow Pokemon the same as shiny pokemon XD

Sounds fun. I would love to participate in this.

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Tempts people to help contribute to PMU, and then you get something besides a name color change on the forums. And like other people said, it gives you creativity, since you can customize the visuals…For instance, something like a Riolu with a blue scarf or a yellow Leafeon. At the least, nobody’s sprite would be the same so we would know people just by looking at their sprite. Provided they didn’t steal the colors or accessories off of someone else. :'D

“Yellow Leafeon” Thats Siniacar Right dere. I agree with, but can you get someone to put the itms for you? OR do it yourself?