Legendary recruitment

Honestly it isn’t, it’s just more flavorful/reusable, which I guess makes it all the more pressing how low value the system in general as some kind of give take mechanic. Making it a partner AI I can only imagine making it even lower value however, for the reason you listed, and just because I doubt the AI would be adequate enough to make up for a lack of individual control.

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this is probably an unpopular opinion but i hope slates stay as they are if not rarer/more expensive :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can you clarify why you have those feelings on the matter?

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If legendaries become recruitable, everyone in town will be a legendary to show off. I quite like how you can see players with random/unpopular mons in town.

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1.part of it is like what etaki said with legendaries being in town being main issue.
2. slates make a money sink and although its not a great one pmu needs all the sinks it can get when your at 50m+ poke theres nothing to buy
and many more but these 2 are pretty big reasons why

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What makes you think that would come to pass? The state of town as is speaks to the contrary of that honestly.

Edit: Also why do you find it important players only be what you want in town?

I don’t know how much of the thread you have read, but pretty much everyone’s goal here is in line with bringing more value to slates, which in turn makes them a greater poke sink. As it is the slate system is stagnant, it isn’t very valuable, and trading them isn’t often. Many of the suggestions here work in tandem with the slate system to make them more valuable, drain more money from the economy, and create more demand.

And please don’t hold back on your arguments, if you have concerns I’d love to hear them.


If that were the case, then why isn’t town full of mostly Gible and other difficult to obtain recruits?

While I don’t personally find this argument compelling, I’d be happy with a compromise that doesn’t harm their usefulness in dungeons while keeping them out of town. Because right now with PMU’s main gameplay loop being training pokemon, the slates have no real niche if they just eat exp.

As Kaen already touched on, there’s a big difference between a sink that would get lots of money out of the economy if it were actually an appealing option (slates) versus one that is actually being used. (Joy’s adjusted service)

Care to share some of these?


I’m glad we finally have the staff team’s perspective and here’s my opinion of withholding legendaries recruitment for potential storyline content. PMU should cater to the plot/story in this game, but it shouldn’t take away from its gameplay aspect either. PMU, like most mmo’s, become a grind fest after the story is finished. I can respect that PMU will eventually have its own story, but as of right now most players play for the grinding. Check discord, people post their milestones from grinding all the time. Recruit list is also a milestone to have in this game, but withholding legendaries makes this milestone limited. Players cannot even complete the 1st generation 151 pokemon because of a potential storyline in the future. The idea of completely taking away milestones/gameplay aspect just to cater to lore/story isn’t great imo, especially when we can do these milestones in PMD games.

On the flipside, I can respect story/lore, however I don’t think the slate system does any justice for a compromise. Like someone said before, the only pokemon are even talked about being legendaries are some box legendaries and some mythicals. I was watching the Sinjoh Ruins video yesterday, where you’re able to choose one of three legendaries from an egg. Maybe PMU can implement a system similar to this?

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I also think legendaries should be recruitable in this game. I think they are the best end-game reward a mystery dungeon game could offer and we should definitely try it out. And when I say try it out, I mean not releasing all legendaries in one wave. Ofcourse, this idea could only go through if the majority does want legendaries (I see some people are not a fan).

My proposal is just being able to recruit 1 legendary for now, with the following requirements:

  • Mystery part+heart slate obtained of the legendary you’re recruiting (this has to be in your bag ofcourse)
  • Guildmaster rank
  • Have 3 pokémon of the type of the legendary you want in your party, at level 100.
  • (Optional, but I’m heavily suggesting this) There will be a really difficult dungeon where you have to go to the chamber to recruit your legendary. I suggest this to be a 99 floor dungeon with chambers for certain legendaries, and you can only enter them if you meet the requirements. How to find the chambers can still be discussed (and if they are like SR/RMS or just a regular room you see throughout the dungeon).

Regarding the waves I mentioned before of releasing legendaries, I suggest releasing the trio legendaries of regions first, as their stats and movepools are not too incredible compared to other legendaries. Run a test wave with this, and see how it goes. I would say make it even more difficult when you plan on releasing the other legendaries.

Are these requirements balanced and difficult enough? Please tell me your opinions or what you want changed. I like a challenge, if you guys want it even more difficult. Also, I hope I didn’t go too fast forward with the idea of how they should be released, because I’m sure we’re still at the part will
they get released (but who knows, maybe I might have convinced you).


I’ve never really been a “pro-legendary” person, however, this suggestion alone has changed my mind.

I think this is the best presented suggestion and idea for this, this makes it genuinely a challenge to get a legendary, which it should be! I’d love to see this suggestion gain traction and a staff member give their two cents.


Those requirements are pretty good. It gives people a reason to train up Pokemon of the same type (making stuff like gems more useful) While still allowing people to dump money into Heart Slate and Mystery Part. The dungeon idea sounds a bit complicated but I think it could work. I feel like you should just be able to go to the dungeon where the legendary is at after meeting all the other requirements (If i’m reading right).

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I have a new suggestion on how to obtain legendaries and it builds off of Levy’s idea, but I feel in my opinion that this seems more motivational.
-There is a new area that requires a key obtained from a shop where you exchange legendary key fragments which can be obtained from any legendary as a drop (replace those darn pesky mushrooms), scaling with difficulty. (Maybe extra slates can be sold or turned into key shards?)
-to enter the area you need to have a level 100 pokemon and mystery part in your inventory
-Once inside use mystery part to summon the legendary where you recruit them.

The reason I like this idea is because the reason I’ve always heard for justify no legendaries is because of people flexing in town, or flexing in general, we all know people in town LOVE to flex their 100s, or their rare pokemon, and most of PMU player base I included are guilty of this, intentional or not, and it’s quite detrimental to new players to see these pokemon generally popular and hear they are at an end game dungeon, imagine that with legendaries? If legendaries are to be added, they should be done so in a clear and linear progressional fashion. In a way that is a reasonable goal for new players to set, getting a level 100 does need more motivation in my opinion, and adding the key fragments as I suggjested adds more motivations for new players to explore new dungeons and old players to return to old ones, and motivates both players to persue obtaining a legendary. Obtaining shards, or gems or rupies to obtain either pokemon or item is a pretty stable way as we have seen in the past to motivate people to run more dungeons, and I feel adding legendary key fragments will run similar and prevent older players from immediately having 5 legendaries, since this will permit you to one at a time, and having to restart the progression for each legendary. (sorry for the double post)

This interferes with the collection aspect of legendary acquisition that I believe to be a very important factor in any pokemon-related game. Additionally, this will further push players to seek out and acquire the most “meta” legendary instead of their favorite.

I’ll tackle these one by one.

Agreed. Any legendary recruitment system should probably build off of the current heart slate system. (Preferably with fusion base cost and cost scaling adjusted to make it more consistent)

Agreed. Legendary recruit should definitely be an endgame system, and there’s no better benchmark for that than the guildmaster rank right now.

This I don’t agree with, and it’s gonna take some explaining to get to why. First off, the type restriction seems rather arbitrary, and requiring a large number of pre-existing level 100s simply further weeds out more existing players from eligibility rather than provide any new grinding benchmarks to reach. For existing requirements, I think guildmaster rank and the respective slate is sufficient, anything else should be tied to a new mechanic rather than an existing one.

I would definitely like to see whatever dungeon is run to acquire a legendary pokemon be specifically designed around a level 100 runner, though. But I’ll get to that in a second…

I don’t think something like this is optional, and in fact I don’t think one run of even a 99 floor dungeon is sufficient enough of a grinding benchmark.

First, as far as the dungeon itself goes, the pokemon inside should be near or at level 100 themselves, with no exp. yield. I think this is pretty self-explanatory.

Secondly, the dungeon should contain some manner of farmable currency in the same vein as Dragon’s Descent’s Royal Gems and Dynamo Sands’ Rupis, and acquiring enough of it should be required to “convert” the summonable slate legendary into an actual recruit, with the amount varying depending on the legendary in question.

And thirdly, as for the dungeon’s other gimmicks, perhaps something reminiscent of TC’s multiple routes could be used? But instead of the various exits providing a box containing loot, have those exits be tied to recruiting a specific legendary once the player has enough currency and meets all the other requirements.

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As I was saying in the discord, I highly disagree with guild-master as a requirement until the mission board is balanced with a linear progression, higher level dungeons should give more dynamo sands and CCH should either give more or the same amount as SF since they are more difficult. Lower level quests should give more too in my opinion so the progression is more linear, and the gap between lower ranks should be stretched too confiscate. I agree with guild-master as a requirement if this is fixed.

The reason why linear progression is so important, is we as the players need to feel as though every moment we spend in the game rewards us as the player, adding in legendaries as an endgame reward without linear progression greatly is very upsetting to new players which is what everyone feared originally and is why legendaries aren’t currently obtainable. I mean NO ONE LIKES HOW YOU OBTAIN PHIONE and hardly anyone has gotten it since the original few months afters it’s release, that 10x is what you are going to be dealing with if we stray away from linear progression, now lets look at the otherside of it at linear progression, we still have people get dratini and gible, people are motivated to get dratini and gible, the grind for dratini and gible makes you feel accomplished, it’s linear, every gem/rupie you get makes you one step closer.

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Seeing other players at the far end of progression, and consequently being motivated to work towards that is a key piece of the MMORPG puzzle IMO. I don’t see a problem here.

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I believe the issue is something to do with mission difficulty being calculated in part by how deep in a dungeon the mission is on top of said dungeon’s difficulty, and most dungeons refuse to generate missions beyond about floor 20 while SF will instead always spit out 50-60f missions.

If the eventual goal is to fix this and spread the 6*+ missions around, then we should probably be forming our propositions with this in mind.

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Please read what I just edited in to my last reply.

I suppose we could even add a grind-able currency to TC, Arceus knows there needs to be more motivation to enter that dungeon. (i.e get 100 gems of normal type for a key, get a key for each type in TC and you get your legend) I mean TC is where you get mystery part, so logically it’s not unreasonable.

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That sounds like a great idea, but TC is still one of the most fun dungeons in the game IMO and i enter it often :^)

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As many of you know I have played PMU for several years, albeit not as many as a lot of other players, but I have certainly noticed the lack of linear progression a result of a constantly changing staff team, with respective view points of PMU. This from what I’ve observed is the reason why PMU isn’t as popular as it once was, it’s complicated, it’s large, it’s scary, it’s grinding, although not really true to us veterans, these are the ideas rushing through the heads of new players, statistically I and many other players have noticed that most players quit pmu after arriving in archford around level 40-60 which is around when progression and exploration falls off. Back when pmu had less dungeons it was more popular? This alone should have raised flags. We don’t need more content, we don’t need more dungeons as much as we need motivation to play old dungeons, as veteran players, or explore new dungeons for new players.

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