Mission Rework

Btw, in my responses I take snippets of what the person above me has said. For future readers, if you’re just joining the convo I heavily encourage reading the entire post of the people I quote because I will be responding to things within the same area as the point they made, even if not directly quoted.

I think I agree here, that it would help the gameplay loop if you got higher missions rather than lower. A lot of people just delete lower missions anyway. I guess I was thinking that it might be too overpowered to get a higher rank mission from a lower dungeon but if there’s a cap on it then it wouldn’t be that bad.

I sort-of like the idea that more floors = higher chance of a 2nd mission, but I also disagree with it because I think the newbie grind should be tolerable. Maybe there should be a minimum of like a 25% chance of an extra mission.

I responded to a lot of this in my response to superscemo in this section:

I guess if it was a group of strangers it wouldn’t be much of an incentive, but I think it would encourage making friends and running with people more often.

I would agree with this, but it would require that missions send your items directly to storage if you have a full inventory, because people already get salty about the full inventory thing, imagine what happens when it goes: “You received… TM Focus Punch… and… A Mystery Egg! But your inventory was full…”

Which would require a storage system revamp or at the very least interfacing with the storage system. I think having multiple items as a reward also gets complicated, and as much as I’d love it, I think asking for a full revamp is brave in and of itself, much less requiring interaction with other parts of the PMU Spaghetticode or a full revamp of that code as well. At that point might as well make PMU 8.

I agree and also disagree here. Usually when running with friends (which I like to think this system encourages) I have Altaria for my C9, my main runner, then Girafarig (B-Up Ally Switch) and Smeargle (Lunar Dance) and while Girafarig and Smeargle are totally optional and not neccessary, I like having them, and not having them is definitely a detriment to my dungeon runs. (I don’t usually run dungeons solo, either)

Definitely is, lol. My point was mainly that a lot of people (including myself) find the Mt.Moon grind awful and having other lucrative options would be great.

Yes, I just deleted a list like that earlier, tried to find people who wanted them, but found nobody.

I would assume its something rudimentary like “Disable all missions S-Rank and Below”. But at the same time, if the “Complete dungeon, get missions of that dungeon’s rank or higher” is implemented, then there is no filling your list with bad missions unless you’re doing low-rank dungeons. It already solves the problem by just not giving you trash missions unless you’re running trash dungeons, in which case you just run to the board afterward and delete them.

Setting up the extremely lucrative run would take a moment, I also suggested maybe having a cap to how many missions one can accept at once as like, a balance thing since if missions become MASSIVELY more lucrative then being able to do like 5+ of them in one run becomes kind of insane. But you also aren’t likely to do 5+ of them in one run because you’re also running the dungeon to get more missions so you might as well do your missions while you’re there, meaning the “hyper lucrative run” isn’t a thing unless you grind for it on purpose and put off missions until the final run.

There would definitely be a lot to work out and a beta period needed. I think it could make really good use of the server select, though. There could be a beta you could sign up to with the mission rework and you log onto the beta test server and help work out bugs before an official release.

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