Hello there! LinkedDreams here, anyhow, here’s a few things I’d like to tell you.

Note, that what was shown to you was a Beta Video. Things that were told to you were in beta, and note one more itsy-bitsy thing, Not much is known about the game.

By looking closely at the scans of the pages, I’ve noticed something, remember this scene in Pokemon Emerald/Sapphire/Ruby?

Well, good news! They’ll be showing more of that!
Also, AR cards will be released (For Japan, Europe and America only, WHY REGION-LOCK! WHY!!!??) AR stands for automated reality, meaning, (according to the video I watched) you will be opening new dungeons called “Magnagates” which will counteract with your real world. This is an example of AR technology from the video game “Project Mirai”:

That’s all news for now, I’ll sum up some more soon! Just wait for more confirmations, I promise you! There’ll be more starters

I’ll really be looking forward to this.
(Starts saving his pocket money)

I hope this doesn’t mean that the entire PMU layout will have to change.
Or a New PMU is released or something. :(

Chances are we wont use 3D Models, But Town and dungeon tiles could probably be ripped somewhat.

well, there should be a demo version of this to try out the game :D

Agree :la:
Glad you don’t have to be Pikachu but that seemed like a bit of a given to me as I would doubt Nintendo would ruin the formula that makes PMD so successful

The Pokemon Company has finally posted a trailer for the new Pokemon Mystery Cungeon game. You can view it here.

‹Source: Radio Nintendo and MyNintendoNews›

If you ask me it looks terrible…
Its pretty much like the Wii one.
I think the storyline is amazing from what ive seen but how its 3D…
Simply :NO:

i never speak out loud but…

My opinion why they remove personality test from 3ds PMD game because other peoples from the earth are picky (An i one of them when i was a kid), i mean, When PMD: EoS released, maybe a half of the earth (Or more than a half) picked Vulpix, eevee, Riolu, and Shinx as the leader and the partner! Leaving only the starters and other unpopular pokemons un-picked!

…This is an opinion, not a reason.

apparently that selection is the PARTNER section not the Pokémon you start with, that’s still unknown which hopefully could mean more starters for us to choose whilst the partners are limited to Pikachu, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott or Axew.

Also @Pachi, don’t bash the game until future information is released or the game is released. It’s still ‘judging a book by it’s cover’ such negativity is very annoying…

Well, other DO look at the personality test guide on the internet to chose the leader of their choice , when they don’t got their pokemon, reset is what they do. :/

But i haven’t played ANY 3d pokemon games (3d model or graphics), i can’t judge their gameplay like in the Wii version, but i don’t care anyways about the graphic, i only care about music and storyline (And originality).

(I don’t pick games that i don’t understand the story, all i think about those games is gobbledygook and stoof)

If you ask me it looks terrible…
Its pretty much like the Wii one.
I think the storyline is amazing from what ive seen but how its 3D…
Simply :NO:[/quote]
Yes but if I recall correctly the Wii game not only didn’t have Unova pokemon but it was only available in Japan unless i’m wrong (which is quite likely)

i mean, When PMD: EoS released, maybe a half of the earth (Or more than a half) picked Vulpix, eevee, Riolu, and Shinx as the leader and the partner!

To be fair some people (Like me) ended up with these pokemon on first attempt because they answered truthfully. I ended up as Riolu without ‘cheating’ for a specific starter

Oh wait, wait, wait wait, i didn’t mean offend anybody or everybody :’:

Just half of the people in the earth, those people don’t answer the questions correctly and used the personality test guide in the internet to get the starters of their liking.

That’s what i want to say :’:

I know I was just trying to make a point that not everyone looks up how to get their favourite pokemon! :D No worries~

whew, i thought you were mad. But… BACK TO TOPIC!

I’m still curious about the storyline this time, tho, don’t tell me the human (Hero) turned into a pokemon for no reasons.

and why does some people hating on 3d graphics? I like the graphics alot :3

(First release will come in japan, right? I my mom see this, there’s a 50-50 chances that she’ll buy it. :D )

I know I completely agree with you, the graphics look really impressive
But you know what they say:
Haters be hating! (Or something along those lines)

just putting this out there:

The models are NOT the same from Rumble / PMDWiiware / Ranch. As you can probably notice, these models are full, and based on the 3DS Pokedex. I, honestly, think these graphics look like a lot more time were put in them compared to the PMDWiiware game’s. The dungeon layouts and move graphics are also really nice to look at. The interface is also pretty nice. c’:

Anyways, onto my opinion about the game itself rather than just graphic shenanigans.
I can tell right now that this game will be a special one. It looks like it’ll be putting all the features of the 3DS to use, in one way or another. Even the camera has a use. I heard (don’t quote me on this, I’m not sure if it’s true) that they took the personality test out and replaced it with a camera. Now it’ll snap a picture of you and determine your Pokemon from that. I, honestly, think that’s a real step forward, although a lot of people will be upset if they don’t get the Pokemon they want.

I’m kind of sad that the starter choices are a lot more limited if they really are just Axew, Oshawott, Snivy, and Tepig. I’m not going to complain, though. I’m just really happy that PMD is even continuing considering a lot of mixed responses to it. Cx

Anyways, I’ll probably be getting it ASAP once it released in English. I might import it when it released in Japan though (Japan release is this Winter for anyone who doesn’t know.)

They actually made little videos for the release of the game in Japan.
They look really cute:

On a side note, you can turn off the 3d on the 3ds, i keep mine off when im playing games due to the head ache i get from staring at the 3d for too long. though i am looking forward for this game, i also expect another game to come out around the same time, so i might get this if the coin lands on the right side lol

Im hoping it will include more pokemon you can play as then the stuff ive seen on it already…