Pokemon: A World for Us All REMAKE [Sign-up]

Reme…you are… NOT un-accepted! c:

Species: Dragonite
Race: Demon
Age: Physically 20, but is actually 500 years old. Spent 480 years taking a nap.
Personality:A sarcastic Pokemon, she enjoys messing with people’s minds. She acts like she knows all your darkest secrets… and she does. She enjoys driving people to insanity, and is the stereotypical Demon, having a dislike for Mortals and Half-Demons alike, even though she has one drop of pity for Half-Demons. Also considered merciless when taunting others… including her comrades. She also has a bit of curiosity… but that destroyed her first form, causing her to murder the Dragonite which she now posses. She’s a merciless fighter, when it comes to destroying mortals.

Basically a pitch black Dragonite with glowing red eyes, and a dark aura.
History/Background:Originally a formless, chaotic being, she murdered a Dragonite for the hope of having a true body. Unfortunantly, her formless chaos destroyed the original coloring of the Dragonite, showing the true darkness within the spirit, even going so far to radiate a dark aura that gives a feeling of impending doom. After having most of her comrades destroyed by the Mortals, in which she escaped by using her own comrade’s fears to save herself and temporarily turn into a form where she could not be hit, therefore escaping. She swore to destroy every single mortal, and destroy all the happiness they ever had within them. Her powers were obtained from her disastrous childhood, in which she accidentally destroyed her parents and her own form by playing with a relic.
Specialty (Demon/Half-Demon only): She can draw on the powers of both her comrade’s fears and the enemy’s own fears to use some forms of attacks, which is her unique variation on the moves Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Force, and Shadow Claw, and all the original Shadow Pokemon moves, turning them into much more powerful attacks, but are limited to only those attacks. These attacks can hit all types, but require a presence of fear or terror, rage, or possibly insanity.
Special Abilities (Mortal only):N/A
Weapon Choice:Fear, Terror, Rage, and Insanity are things that she can use against you. When dealing with this demon, it’s best to stay calm and collected, although it’s hard to when she has an aura that makes you feel like there’s impending doom. If none are available, she’ll settle for her longsword, Divided Byziro, a dual-edged blade which is pure obsidian, and unbreakable, and also used only emergencies, as she despises using anything but dark, scared feelings.
Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47jxW6-9wT0 <-- When your fighting her.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGCsyshUU-A<-- Theme in general.
Other: She despises festivals and parties, as they generate happiness and cheer, which negates her powers. She enjoys the occasional cemetery or graveyard, to taunt the souls of the lost and cursed. Her favorite phrase? : “Hehe, listen to your insanity… and you know it’s right, too.”

We live for RPs! :D

Name: Rainbow
Species: Mudkip
Race: Mortal
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Personality: Happy almost all the time, but raging with a firey blaze in her eye when in battle. Very energetic and happy-go-lucky kind of girl, but if a friend of hers dies, she gets a sudden boost of energy, and attacks the deamon that killed her friend, with great strength.
History/Background: Born in a magical cloud and thrown out of the sky into her adopted mudkip parents paws. She, by the age of 16, knew 3 special water type moves, and a ground type move. She can use Surf, Waterfall, Dive, and Earthquake.
Special Abilities (Mortal only): She can use a special move every full moon, at full moon, she can use all three water moves at once, but only on the night of the full moon.
Weapon Choice: Boomerang
Other: One of the other special activities she can do around full moon, is lift or move water through the air, make it larger or smaller, and shape words. One night she was defeated in battle and wrote “Help Me! v” and held it for as long as she could. She passed out after about 30 minutes of trying to hold it when a brave rescuer came and helped her.

Name: Randy
Species: Mew
Race: Legendary
Gender: Can I be Male? Legendaries are supposed to be n/a but I wanna be male for this one if that’s cool.
Age: 1000+ years old
Personality: Very grumpy most all of the time, standing in between demons and mortals and putting up his force feild to try and stop the fight.
History/Background: Nobody really knows how he was born because the pokemon world had no pokemon until he was born, and there were no land masses, so he created them. That drained a lot of his life force and made him around 100 years old, then he placed pokemon eggs around places in certain regions. By then he was around 550 years old. Now he is over 1000 years old and has to stop mortals and demons from fighting.
Specialty (Demon/Half-Demon only): Can shoot fireballs from the red circles in his eyes.
Special Abilities (Mortal only): Can use every single pokemon move in a row on the night woth no moon, removing every single pokemon from a fight.
Weapon Choice: Claymore that’s handle is made from stone, the peice at the end of the stone is a golden ring, the piece that goes side to side under the sword is also golden and the top is made of obsidian.

Other: He has a craving for applesauce, wherever he hears “Applesauce” his eyes go crazy and he screams at the top of his lungs “WHERE?!?”

ERC…Those characters seem like they were made for crack, or non-serious, RPs. And due to a demon’s long life span, they could easily have been HATCHED when Randy made poke-kind. Will you try to reconsider your characters?

Look at other people’s characters and try and see the difference in their characters and yours.

You should take a look at this.

Ise your forms are awfully long…

Name: Yukirin~ (Formerly Yuki)
Species: Jolteon
Race: Mortal
Gender: Female
Age: OVER 9,00000-- No, just kidding. She"s like, around 14. (Human years, of course.)
Personality: She, like most Jolteons, gets easily angered, using Pin Missile to attack the one who angered her in the first place. She tends to steal from the rich to give to the poor, but most of the time, she ends up killing the rich out of anger. However, unlike some pokemon, she is easily calmed down just as easily she is angered.
Appearance: She has pretty much the normal stature of a jolteon, only being slightly smaller than average. However, her pelt is a light-fawn color, with two dark red stripes on her cheek, a “V” shape on her chest, three back stripes and leg stripes. This is probably due to living in the desert, though it"s only a rumor.
History/Background: Once an eevee by the name of Yuki, she lived peacefully in a small village. Unlike her bizarre coat as a jolteon, she was a perfectly normal eevee. However, all peaceful things eventually come to an end. Her village ended up being engulfed by flames, and she fled to a desert to hopefully, spend the rest of her life. However, rogues showed up on her doorstep, and she soon led a gang that was referred to as “The Desert Bandits”, though they acted very unlike their name. Her second-in-command gave a thunderstone to Yuki one day, evolving her into a jolteon at the age of 10. She heard rumors about Demons and Mortals and came upon this lovely little region to investigate, leaving her group behind.
Special Abilities (Mortal only):(If your mortal can do something most others can"t, like do magic.) She"s faster than most Jolteons, able to even match the speed of a Weavile. She is also able to perform a few actions that could be seen as magic, however most of them are just to entertain children.
Weapon Choice:
Theme: GUMI-Panda Hero (Off Vocal)
Other: Unlike other Jolteons, it seems that she does not use Thunder or Thunderbolt. While her first three moves are Pin Missile, Quick Attack, and Sunny Day, it is unknown what her fourth move is. There is alot of speculation and rumors on what it could be.
It is a well-known fact that “we live for RPs” is not her motto, so she will not say it. Ever.

Sorr…Just get rid of the non-bolded parenthesis that were already in the form. I’m getting confused reading it. :c

Alrighteh. :u

Sorr, your new status is…