"Say Something Nice About the Person Above You" // Revived

Animated avi and banner! I am teh impressionable.

You’re very determined to rule the Forum Games. :3

What Dratini said :joy:

(Me and my basic Photoshop animating skills. xD; )

You also have a great looking signature / avatar. :3

But I didn’t make them :c

But seriously, your banners and avis are quite impressive :3

For being a good friend! ^-^

I have a friend! o:

You too! :joy:

For being a excellent competitor.

(No, seriously. I can’t stop a second!)

You’re a successful Forum Games conqueror.

For randomly appearing when I’m trying to reply to the person above you XD

For being a derpy espeon! (Like lman.)

For being a derpy dratini then :P

For liking dragons!

For liking dragons too then :P

For liking eeveelutions

For liking eeveelutions and dragon pokemon and stuff

For the same reasons

For liking Dragonair :3

For liking me for liking dragonair!

For liking me for liking eeveelutions.