Shadow Pokemon status

So what you are saying is that if I wanted to play defensive because that’s what I like, then I should just uninstall the game or play at a massive disadvantage because you just chose to give another layer of offensive boosts to the dominant strategy.

The natural response would be something along the lines of buffing what’s underperforming and nerfing what’s overperforming, but whatever floats your boat, I suppouse…

I’m not going to discuss this any further.


Defensive play needing help is unrelated to this post’s idea. Just because one gameplay style is suffering from a lack of items doesn’t mean everything should remain at a standstill in developments for it. It means that gameplay style should be fixed in its own way. This argument boils down to “what about this other problem” and that can go on forever and apply to everything. At the end of the day, this mechanic would still just be life orb but worse.

why does a pokemon get granted shadow status from an item?

i’m just asking, cuz the shadow pokemon i’m famiIiar with are from pokeon coliseum

It’s not granted from an item in any game. PMU as a game doesn’t work well with pokemon forms, and the amount of sprite work to apply it to all those mons would be too large. As a status effect, it would be one sprite animation used for every pokemon, meaning much less work. Status effects in this game are generally given to oneself through items. What kind of item it could be and its conditions could be up for debate, but from what I know, it would be the simplest implementation. So how it could work that way depends on the approach.

In pokemon coliseum it’s a plot related thing, and in pokemon go, shadow pokemon are used by team rocket as basically edgier versions of normal pokemon with the damage changes.