Squirty's Sprite Shop!~ (CLOSED)

Okay, so you want me to take my Pikachu/Pichu Trainer, and edit it to look like it’s only the Pikachu trainer, with that hair/hat, correct? :o Or something else? (Sorry, I don’t understand completely… I’m so bothersome… hehehoo… sweatdrop)[/quote]

Yes, Correct, Give the trainer the hat and hair I supplied, And try to put it on the pikachu’s too!

Agh. This turned out… bad. If you want me to redo it, please tell me. (Also, it would’ve been even worse if I resized the picture you gave me, so I improvised and made me own.)

Please don’t hit me… o_o

Hihi~ I would like… a gengar trainer and… gengar + mismagius? thanks :D

Please use the forms next time. I will get started on your request right now~
Here are your sprites.~ :D

The trainer is kinda fat, and I was hoping you could try to make the photo bigger then risize the hat and hair? You can use the same size pikachu…

I put the hat and hair on the pikachu in my avatar, can you try to do the same?

Just asking, but are you going to be using this for anything?

oooh sounds interesting~ i would like a trainer please :3

Base Trainer : Cyndaquil trainer please
Details : A trainer with cyndaquil :3 (im sorry i don’t know how to say it :’: )
Comments?: Have fun doing it~ :joy: :la:

Base Trainer : Wobuffet trainer
Details : Use thy own imagination, you can do this!
Comments?: Take as much time as you need!

The trainer isnt fat its a sweater!
And cant you see that he is pretty busy enough…and if you can see this is a SPRITE SHOP not a huge image so find another dont waste his time!If i was him id never do your requests!

Base trainer: Pachirisu Trainer
Details: A trainer with a Pachirisu, leave the ears of pachirisu and the tail if you can please, oh and make it a boy one ;3
Comments: If it will help heres an image as an example

Oh and please dont rush i know your pretty busy with all your works, i recommend closing the shop until you finish the already requested sprites so it wont get on your back much :D

Base Trainer (try to supply picture, if not, that’s fine. I’ll get the trainer myself. :D): Corless/Akuroma (with the Seismitoad family.)
Details (What extra items to put on, eye color,hair color, ect.): Try and replace his head wiyh another, preferably Snow Ace Trainer from D/P/Pt
Comments?: Any styles in which you wishto change, go for it. If the head doesn’t look too fabulous, replace it with any other trainer head.
Please, take your time~

I will probably either close the shop, or just do them regularly… and Pachi, try to calm down a bit, but yes, It would be VERY difficult to resize and everything…
I will be adding all of the orders to the waiting list~
And also…
I am a “she”. ;D
Finished Works:


(Is this what you wanted?)


I hope you like them…~


Aww thats amazing just like me and my pachi ^-^
Thank you so much!
EDIT: Awesome Pokeball :o.ol: :o.or:

Gasp its so cute :joy: Though I’m not a guy ehehe :': but still its cute!

Just asking, but are you going to be using this for anything?[/quote]

yes, im going to put a few kinds of trainers into a banner…

you remember the ghost pikachu you made me?

can you try to make him have a trainer behind him that looks the same?

I’ll do that instead of the pikachu trainer. :D
Here it is. :D

instead of what one?

pikachu ghost trainer?

pikachu trainer?

Wowzee amazing shop. If you dun mind then i would like to get a trainer sprite plz:

(Sorry about not using da form, meh using th tablet :’: )
Trainer: piplup twainer plz
as long isch female and w/ pip.
ty in advance~

How do you have an animated avatar? Did somebody else do it for you?