The Fact That ???

The fact that all the cool kids are joining in???

The fact that this fact needs more facts???

The fact that Ren added another fact???

The fact that the previous fact was very true???

The fact that Kiri’s fact was also true???

The fact that I’m bored?

The fact that lotsa friends and me have been watching movies to stay away from boredness for a while???

The fact that Gundams are awesome???

The fact that Agu wants to pilot a death robot with her mind and is totally going to be a terrorist???

The fact that I’m still awake right now makes me want to go to bed.

the fact that i caught my first legitimate shiny last night??? (wayward the shiny starly!! yay)

The fact that What did not use three question marks???

The fact that these facts are awesome so far???

The fact that our tiny brains have the intelligence to make these awesome facts???

The fact that 4 pages already???

The fact that Ren wants to make Kiri and Taiyo new signatures???

The fact that Blood doesn’t want to make Kiri and Taiyo new signatures ???

The fact that Kiri and Taiyo actually long on to play this game???

the fact that i feel kinda depressed right now for some reason???

The fact that I can’t play half the chords I need to on the guitar???