banned for being staff
Banned for banning a staff member.
Banned for banning one of your most biggest fans =3
(spins making whirring sounds) chop chop chop lol
Banned for starting a staff ban killing spree :<
Banned for using false info.
(Charticuno said it first, lol my originality surprises me)
Banned for confusing me with your whirring sounds… O.o
erm banned for making staff smoothies…? DERP .-.
Banned for using two ban’s in your post.
Banned for banning me twice xD (I’m already banned. pss,you banned me again im double banned -.-)
banned for banning while banned
Banned for banning twice and banning me for nothing again =O
LOL banned for denying your last ban
Banned for having a cold shoulder.
banned for being a blue fire type. is so BLUE!
LOL Banned for banning the wrong person
ya, cuz he changed avatar rite when i posted. XD
banned, for banning a shiny thing!
Banned for not believing in the fate of all things and most likely skipping over this entire post because it is too long. This ban has been brought onto yourselft through means of extreme predjudice and will never be looked at again, the use of a shiny is against the normal code of ethics and is therefore banned, the banning of someone who banned a bannable person is unaccetable and therefore banned, the banning is exercise in accordance with the rules posted at first post. These rules have been accepted by all who read them and those attempting to ban will therefore be banned themselves and will, of course, never be banned in accordance with the rules here, Furthermore an man, woman, or child seen to banning this ban will be banned furthermore. This ban will also follow the rules listed above and will not be an acctual banning as stated in said rules noted above.
That is all.
i’m not shiny, i’m gold! i am completely aware of the rules! BAH! i completely believe in living thing fates! i care about living things.
… banned for not seeing the TRUUUUTH!
Banned for forcing beliefs into others.
Banned for looking at me the wrong way XD (its that garchomp of yours lol)
Banned for being Articuno and having a Charizard in your sig >:3