The "You're Banned!" Game

Banned for possibly suggesting i won’t
Articuno pie sounds nice

Scraggy has Banned sapphire. Reason: using devil face :twisted:

Banned for a reason I won’t tell you!

S1L3NT has banned Chidorifire from Pokemon Mystery Universe!
Sapphire:Why did you do that for o.O
S1L3NT: he didnt tell me the reason for banning someone :S

Scraggy has banned Drift King: Reason: Just coz i can! XP

I banned you because you got unbanned from when I last banned you.

Banned for not hatching yet XD

S1L3NT has banned Char from Pokemon Mystery Universe!
S1L3NT: He was to good for this x3

Banned for implying that I am too good XD

banned for bothering lengenarys in pmu lol.

Banned for Lying D:<

Banned for lying cause char is a articuno right now lol

S1L3NT has banned flareon
S1L3NT: What did i do to char?

Banned for we are making no sense anymoar xD

Banned for confoozling me out of my mind XD

banned for confusing me :S :?

banned for having awesome signatures ^^

banned for BEING awsome and my besty best best friend on pmu :D

Banned for posting in this thread.

(lol ribbon =3)

Banned for banning one of my besties ^^