A Solution to Limited (HC-Only) Pokemon

Many Pokemon are currently limited to being HC-Only, and while I know it is not the intention of developers and staff to keep them there forever, while they are currently there, it becomes an ever-growing issue as more mons are added and more Pokemon get stuck there with updates taking a long time to push out.

So… how do we solve this, while keeping these Pokemon rare enough?

My proposal is Event Tokens.

Ludicolo could sell keys to access a small room where the Pokemon spawns with a 100% RR. (Think Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Sandshrew’s rooms!)

A small cave blocked off by a key area could be made and, similarly to when you first join PMU and get to select from the starters, each Pokemon is listed with warp panels behind it. Each warp panel takes you to a little room with a honey in it that will spawn the Pokemon you selected.

This means that the key never becomes outdated (as it unlocks the ability to select one of the limited mons, not one specific mon), and more individual caves do not need to be made for each limited Pokemon added, as it is one cave, and the room could be expanded to add more Pokemon if needed.

This also adds the opportunity for these Pokemon to have increased shiny rates, as well as the ability to trade the keys. Potentially even with a more expensive key option to guarantee a shiny spawn, though this would require essentially doubling the amount of rooms or making a second cave and might not be optimal.

It is not the most graceful solution, but it does give another thing to use event tokens for, and another tradeable event token item.

while i do in fact think having the hc limited pokemons aviable in some sort of shop deal is a great idea,
there’s aspects that i don’t quite like about this current proposal,
the event tokens are currently already way too valuable, offering the best items in the game and make the players feel forced to get thier weekly log in reward to keep themselfs ahead of the game,
adding even more things on top of that feels way too much

if gems crystals and globes where no longer part of the ludicolo shop i would see it be a nice way to keep em feel good and cool to get while not being neccessary,

but as it currently stands i feel like the event token shop is already too good, and adding more good things into it is a turn off for me

also i hold high worries over adding items that will clearly go around selling for millions, because everyone will try to skip having to grind a month for a single recruit, and that will most likely push em to grind mm a whole bounch, which will cause even more poke to be around

I understand your concern about all the new/limited amount of pokémon being released in HC only, but I think your solution is overcomplicating it.

The HC exclusives should just be released faster, even if that means they’re not in the perfect dungeon for them. It can even be temporary until the best spot comes out for them.

Anyway, I’ve brought this up before and others have too… It’s still not being addressed enough as it should be sooo… (shrug)

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