Absolutely begging staff to update TC's endbox loot pool

Although I’m sure staff has a lot on their plate at the moment, one thing I am literally -begging- for at this point is for staff to change the endboxes in Tanren Chambers.

There is nothing more painful than running all the way to F99 just to open your endboxes and be greeted with a Pure Seed and an Invisify Orb - literally useless junk at this point. Although maybe these items were cool back when the dungeon was first released, now it just makes the dungeon an utter slog knowing at the end, you might end up with pure junk than that useful Fossil or money-making items like Relics you might want.

Although consistency would be nice, I know keeping item rarity balanced is also important, but it would be so much more worthwhile to actually make the trek through the dungeon if the end loot was more enticing and less likely to leave you utterly disappointed in the end. In the very least, the floors 50+ boxes need some kind of fixing, or at least improved consistency.

-Sincerely, a very disgruntled fossil hunter.

I can agree with this. I understand that filler items are necessary in order to not make some items incredibly common, but given fossils are consumables that people typically want a ton of, I don’t see why they need to be so hard to obtain.

Additionally, Tanren Chambers is not necessarily a fun dungeon to run multiple times in one sitting. A single 99f run can take over an hour to complete, and if there’s a sizable chance that this hour-long run can result in an item such as a TM for a move most people will never use, a dust or plate that can easily be obtained elsewhere, or a wonder chest - an item that’s completely obsolete given most people who would want to repeatedly run TC already have its direct upgrade, the miracle chest, it makes sense that people will simply choose not to run the dungeon.

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I completely agree. In fact, recently ive been grinding tc and i hate runninglike 70 floors just to get a rev herb or something useless like max potion

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The community had some interesting in-game chats about this the past couple of days.
The fundamental problem comes down to other dungeons simply outclassing TC’s boxes. While Revival Herb was once really scarce, you can now get a ton of them through regular lategame play.

Dusts were once extremely valuable, and in a way they should have been…they’re like mini-account upgrades in some ways. But now people just sell them for what, 5k? Dungeons added after TC have frankly been too generous in some ways, maybe in an attempt to make people be excited for new content and not wanting to disappoint. But this has harmed older dungeons like TC immensely. Which is a shame, because TC should remain one of the premier endgame dungeons due to its complexity and difficulty. It shouldn’t face this death of a thousand cuts where other more simplified dungeons take away from the achievement by simply offering similar rewards for less effort.


Method 1: Only buffs.

This will generally make the fewest people upset, and nobody will feel like PMU “took fun things away” from them. This approach doesn’t have too many downsides, except no other dungeon can be allowed to powercreep TC in the future. This would have to be a flat buff, otherwise the rest of the game will eventually, slowly undermine TC’s validity once again, unless very careful iron-fisted rules about “Don’t use TC’s stuff, ever” are followed from now on by designer staff.

So how do we do this? Well, we just slightly powercreep current endgame items. Miracle chest? That’s old news. Now we have “Superb Chest”, which gives 25%-30% EXP buffs at the cost of having to navigate TC to floor 99. We could also just buff desired-item rates, and make it more plausible to do stuff like hunt shiny fossil pokemon. Beyond that, there are harder-to-get or annoying-to-farm items already in the game. The likes of Doom Seeds, Joy Seeds, Golden Apples. For shorter floor routes, offer a loot-pool of some intentionally-kept-rare Gen 9 TMs whenever that gets added to the game. When Nintendo inevitably releases more Pokemon, make any new, suitable legendary slates be offered in TC. Have every route end with a couple of “Ancient honeys” on the floor; they act like Honeys, but they can stack on themselves to save inventory space. Just things like that, in general, make for nice guaranteed consolation prizes…or at least they don’t feel like garbage when a player misses out on what they primarily wanted.

Method 2: Buffs to TC, Nerfs to elsewhere.

This method backtracks on some of the weird “powercreep” that newer dungeons have committed. Rates and availability for items like dust, eviolite, revival herbs, wonder/miracle chests in other dungeons, etc would be slashed.

Over time, this restores the previously-devalued TC rewards back toward its original value. People will not really love this because this makes the game go back to being more difficult, but it also means the amount of changed TC rewards would be less. That is not to say the game entirely goes back to being what it once was, it just means TC doesn’t have to powercreep the powercreep itself as much.

I don’t think a method of only nerfing the other dungeons is valid. It would be a lot of work, almost everyone would be unhappy to lose the comparative convenience of modern PMU (when TC was first made all of its items were like 10x expensive as they are now), and the surplus of these items already in players’ hands would both nullify the desired result AND make it almost impossible for new players to catch up with older players.


If I may, I would like to add a third idea, though I know this may be quiet unpopular.

Method 3: Reduce Item Pool in Endboxes

Instead of making any item buffs or nerfs to other dungeons, this method would instead raise the chances of getting the more desired items. Items that are one-use would be less likely or non-existent in higher floors, with the threshold of one-time items being completely erased F70+.

While this may cause controversy of making certain items easier to access, well… Other dungeons have made going through and getting most of the items pointless. Of course, it will also potentially create imbalance economy-wise, but on the other hand, many players are getting frustrated over the “pointless” items. I propose that, the higher the floor, the smaller the item pool so the rare items are more likely to be obtained.

Basically, this is a variation of Method 1 but without new items. I feel like adding more powerful items in TC might not be the best since, technically, it’s still a late mid-game dungeon compared to DD and SF. If I recall correctly, only Level 50-65 Pokémon appear in said dungeon. That’s just my feeling on that.

case and point. Water B74F (helix fossil exit)


We agree that certain endbox item pools are no longer in line with current standards and are considering alternative rewards or resolutions.


I agree 100% that TC rewards should be improved upon, especially the 100 rewards for each chamber. I do have to say though, that I don’t agree that fossil rates need to be improved at all in this.

I think fossil pokemon themselves are a very good reward, and worth running a midway path 3 or 4 times to get (give or take, obviously it’s rng). Not that I don’t think increasing the chance that they can be found is good thing, but that change was already nade when they double listed fossils in their box pools in tc.

Now, of course fossil hunting isn’t really about getting the mon, it’s about getting the shiny…but it kinda feels like the shiny rate for fossils is already pretty generous to the time it takes to get one. The 5% chance to find a shiny fossil is the exact same as the 5% for jangmo-o and comfey keys. Both of which also take about the same amount of runs to obtain from their respective dungeons (and I’d consider full hc completions, sans easter, to be harder than partial TC completions).

With the exception of making TC 100 fossil rewards, I don’t think it would make sense to move fossil rates up at all unless you’d also be lowering shiny rates for them (and even then, it seems a bit cheap for the people who just want the mon)


You’ve got to remember that dungeons with higher levels also allow items, and are nowhere near as long and time consuming. Even a f50 exit will take much longer to reach than the time it takes for a lategame player to complete a typical 60f dungeon. For these reasons, I consider TC THE endgame dungeon, even if the Pokémon most likely never surpass level 75.


Fair point! :> I suppose that, compared to other dungeons, this one has a bunch of different paths and a lot of key and stair knowledge. I suppose I wrote off length over difficulty, so I’ll take that L. I still believe in minimizing the amount of items found in later boxes for easier item obtaining, but the more I think about it, the more I sorta lean towards Method 1 as well. Just a little bit though.

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