We all know new players get overwhelmed and kind of lost.
I recommend adding a very minimal overarching plot goal that works as such:
The Player is sent to PMU as part of an exploration company. They are tasked with exploring most of the dungeons and reporting back. In game, this takes the form of very loose, very simple, fairly open-ended quests. Communication with the company just happens with the pelipper post office. You get read the nature of your mission before you get your quest. For example:
Quest: [Meet with your colleague in the Pelipper House], given during the tutorial.
Player goes to the Pelipper House and talks to the new NPC, the colleague who is also employed by the same company.Colleague: Welcome to the Exbel region, [player name]! I have your first job. The boss wants you to explore 5 nearby dungeons. Here’s your supply pack! Talk to me if you ever need a reminder of what to do next.
Quest complete: [Meet with your colleague] Reward: Escape Orb, 3 apples, 4 leppa berries, beginner badge.
Quest: [Explore 3 dungeons in exbel]
[Colleague is talked to mid-quest…]Colleague: You’ve explored 2 dungeons so far!
[If player completes the Exbel’s 3 dungeon quest]
Colleague: I see you have explored 3 Exbel dungeons. Great work! I’ll send the boss your report. Say, have you ever noticed the board next to this Pelipper House? It’s the mission board. The boss wants more details. Please complete 3 missions (or gain a certain amount of total points) and report back.
Quest: [Complete 3 missions]
…etc etc. For the very early game, guide players to the Cut HM (Sour Root) and later on the Rock Smash HM.
(Example for later on)
Colleague: Hm! I think we have a good idea of what lower level dungeons in Exbel look like. We should survey the northern Winden Region! Go straight north through Winden Pass. I’ll meet you in (house) there!
Quest: [Complete Winden Pass]
As time goes on, have the quests become more open-ended and less specific.
As a bonus: Tie this overarching progress with how the mission board distribution is weighted. If the player is still on the “explore 3 exbel dungeons”, it only gives baby missions. If the player is on “Explore Archford” missions, though, it starts giving mostly archford-related missions as well as some but less rank E stuff.
If this has any potential but requires modifications to work, I have no qualms with modifications. Its the intent (and general skeleton of this system) that matters. If that means we can’t tie mission generation with it, or if it means the Colleague has to say “explore pebble cave”, then “explore sour root” instead of “explore any 3 dungeons” then I think it’s still worthwhile. The main benefit that a “hands off” overarching quest offers is player guidance, but the side benefit is that no dungeons need to be remade and the existing dungeon-specific stories fit in with this seamlessly.
Is it going to win an Oscar? No. Will it help with PMU’s awful player retention? Probably. Is it simple and hopefully works within PMU’s extremely limited framework capability? I certainly hope so.