An issue with user, "Solar Snivy".

Users and Staff-alike,

Hi, hi. It"s me, Cynder. It"s not everyday that I have to post a topic in Report User, but it seems that as of late, it might become a necessary ordeal. As of late, the Chatango has had a few issues with some users impersonating each other, minor trolling attempts and arguments. It"s most likely due to the tension that has broken out since the server went down late last month. Today, I"m here to discuss an issue with a member named, “Solar Snivy”, a user of the Chatango chat.

I have included a log of messages that he or she sent earlier today in Chatango. I apologize for the crummy cropping, as I am currently using a laptop mousepad, so I can"t make it look as neat as I could. Here are the screenshots + information:

It begins with this screenshot. In this, it starts off with the remark that SolarSnivy had made, “ugh wow has pmu really died? everyone"s talking nonscence and stupidity”, he"s referring to me and Ren telling the other members of the chat that we don"t really have information on the server, due to the fact we don"t play so they should stop asking. This can be seen in mine and Ren"s messages, indicating as to why we stay. The screenshot ends with SolarSnivy making the remark, “i dont like being here when people act like idiots”. Here is the screenshot:

Here, both Frocksly and SolarSnivy are guilty of making remarks. Frocksly commenting, “it"s community just suks”, to which Ren responds to with, “The community isn"t sucky.” I, on the other hand, comment on how we are idiots with the remark of, “we aren"t acting like idiots.” To which SolarSnivy sarcastically adds, “they"re arguing over questions, Blood”. Actually, Ren and I were discussing among a few members like Frocksly about the server and how we can"t answer their questions. To off-hand my comment, SolarSnivy responds with, “cynder you dont know what your talking about. you need to stay in school.” Here is the screenshot:

In this screenshot, SolarSnivy CONTINUES with, “bad engrish”. I point out how he has misconducted his behavior and exactly what offenses he did (stated in the screenshot). SolarSnivy responds to, “you assumed I called you an idiot, learn to read”. I then bring up the Report topic again to which he responds, “you can get banned for making false reports”. Honestly, I"ve never heard of this rule for my four years of being here, I don"t know if it exists or not, but it"s not exactly “false” if I have proof. Here"s the screenshot:

In this next screenshot, Ren states the rules in which he tells her to “shut up”. This one is a “wrap-up” of the previous screenshot. Here"s the screenshot:

SolarSnivy continues with his stride in this screenshot in which he states that he never called us “idiots and that I assumed”. He then says, “you shouldn"t have said anything, kid” and adds on, "its your fault if you get banned for a false report. Here"s the screenshot:

The argument continued further, however, I lack evidence of it since I began to make this topic. I apologize for being a nuisance, but I believe this is an issue and I would wish for it to be dealt with. Thank you.

~ Best regards, Cynder

Just putting in mine.

Solar Snivy I believe, is “SwiftSnivy” In-Game. I have two screenshots over Snivy saying shut up over and over and Snivy cursing.

[spoilerSpamming Shut Up:33acyxkz]


[spoilerCurse Imply:33acyxkz]


Staff and Users-alike,

Alas, I have follow-up comments. To add to What"s question of SolarSnivy being SwiftSnivy in-game, I watched as Zane directly asked him about it, but instead got a warped response of “getting hacked”. I want you to look closely at these two screenshots, each indicating a different member: SolarSnivy & SwiftySnivy. Both with similar grammar, avatars, and username. Now look at the times each member logged on, almost within the same fifteen minute timeframe.





Similar grammar, around the same log-in timeframe, similar username, same avatar, the only difference would be the username and the font color. I"d like to believe that they"re the same person, but we can"t be sure, of course. One could be an imposter, etc. The answer of being hacked is rather…odd, don"t you think?

Now, Zane here. Asks Snivy if he"s the same person. Here"s the response: first he claims not to be Solar, then he claims to have been hacked. If I could have a little clarification, it would be very appreciated as to which. Screenshot can be found here:

Further conversation on the hacking topic:

Snivy is apparently offended by my topic because I am lying. That means that Ren, What, and the screenshots are all lies. Proof of this can be found here:

Incorrect fibs, talking about me when I"m not active. I"m really confused at this point as to what"s actually going on:

There"s further an argument, but I don"t think it needs to be shown to worsen the matter. I only wanted to show what I saw that stood out to me and might help any moderators or users solve this.

Thank you very much for reading.

With best regards,

~ Cynder

Clearly, in this screenshot, SwiftSnivy, when confronted that Cynder was updating the topic, said

“updating her topic? So now it’s everything i say that offends her now?”

As you can tell, SwiftSnivy is obviously SolarSnivy for 1, they wouldn’t overact over the situation, 2, Swift shouldn’t be upset about a topic being updated, and 3, Swift shouldn’t have said “It’s everything i say that offends her now?” because, if Swift wasn’t Solar, why would he/she describe something Swift says as “everything.

I was there for this argument, and saw that SolarSnivy was in the wrong. I missed the part where Swift claimed that Solar was hacked, but to me, they’re almost identical. They type the same way, same avatar, and both get overly worried when report topics are mentioned.