Awesome's Maps

After a some years, I’ve finally decided to post some maps again owo Feel free to say what you think of them~

Music: Route 15, 16, 17 (XY)
Here I decide to mess around with the sky tiles~ I just thought I"d put it there because they looked pretty. ;w;

Music: Emma"s Theme (XY)
Just a floating Island thing.

Music: Kagome Town (BW)
Unfinished. Well, the cave, at least. Layering properly is hard for me ;;

Music: Sounds (PMD3)
A little attempt to create a Snowy Town~

Music: Pokestar Studios Scenario 7-1 (BW2)
Small dungeon map, not much to say about it though.

Music: White Tree Hollow (BW2)
Yet another unfinished map. Supposedly this map gives off a little pokemon village feel.

Music: Illusion Stone Chamber (PMD2)
Decided to try a mix of Tilesets 7 and 4 for once. The top looks a little empty, no? (But hey, a bonus sparkle! :D)

Music:Traps that Planted (PMD3)
This is a place I call “Dragon"s Peak.” Obviously, it"s a place that gives off a Dragon feel.

Music: Coumarine City (XY)
Pokemon Paradise. Yep ;w;

Music: World Calamity (PMD)
Intergalactic Pringles" Space Base! Quite incomplete o3o

And that’s about it, pretty much! I will probably update every few days. But please, let me know of what you think about my maps! I’m not the best there is, but I want to practice as much as I can~ It will certainly help.

O: these are super good ta! theyre pleasant to look at aa

Nice job on all of these maps they look tremendous!

It’s a nice effort! Though there’s some stuff that I think should be improved on, and the things that I like too! So I decided to give a bit of an overview for each map you made.

Map 1
Pretty small, but I like the little island! The Sky looks pretty messy though, so you need to make sure they look the same. (Though it does give off that 8-bit feeling… ;D) Not the best map I’ve seen you made, but it’s certainly not bad!

Map 2
I actually really like this map. You can really tell that it’s floating, too! I also think that the thin cloud strips you added suit the scenery terrifically as well! My only flaw to this is that I think there should be just a tad more detail, or make the cliff-island design a bit more complicated. But regardless of that - I find this map pretty good!

Map 3
This is another map which I really like. The tileset you have used fits really well, especially with the water that you’ve added as well! There’s nothing really bad about this map in my opinion, maybe add some more flowers and logs or something? As for the cave, It is a bit out of place. I personally would’ve covered it in trees, but that’s me. Very minor issues, overall, great map! :joy:

Map 4
Ooh, a tileset which I don’t use much… this should be interesting.
Ahem! Anyway back to the topic; I like this quite a bit! I love the view behind the cliff, with them mountains! Personally, it gives off a bit of a warmth vibe, (which is pretty ironic seeing how it looks like a place where it is cold.) But overall, I really like the design of this. It’s unique if you ask me! My only concern is the trees. I either think there’s too many of them, or they aren’t placed right. I personally don’t like trees that are scattered in the middle of the map. (Only If it’s a Town / City kind of map, though.) That’s just me though, so don’t be discouraged. Overall, it’s still a great map!

Map 5
Like it, especially the jungle-type tiles you’ve used. Not really much to say about it - since it’s only a dungeon-type map. (Maybe move the stars into a more sensible place?) I also love how you’ve put the trees inside the wall, makes it look very creative and unique! :D

Map 6
This map is very fascinating… It’s a bit odd, but creative once again! Again, I like the background behind the cliff, (Though you could’ve used a different kind of background, but that’s just me being picky. :>_<: )
I personally think that there should be more detail? But I digress - you said it wasn’t finished, so I shouldn’t go on about the lack of detail. Despite that - really creative and like the theme!

Map 7
This one is certainly cool! I love the variety of colour you’ve used: Green, Orange, Blue, etc. They really fit in and make the place feel alive! I like the tile you used for water, too. I think it really fits the place. I don’t think the big stump thing at the top of the map, (I don’t know what it is. xD really fits, though. But again, me being picky! Really like this map though.

Map 8
So dark and humid… o_o It’s cool! I haven’t really used these tiles enough to really comment on to be honest, but I’ll still say a few things that are based on my opinion.
The Purple Clouds at the back! They fit the map terrifically, and give off that “evil” presence. I’m not a big fan of the grass you’ve used though, (the colour) I don’t really know why, so don’t take it to heart. xD
I think that’s all I really want to say for this map. Again, don’t use the tiles much so there’s not really much I can say that might help…

Map 9
This is BY FAR the best map (in my opinion)! I’m a huge fan of these tiles, and this is probably as good as my map, and I’ve been mapping for years now. I love the structure of it, and the designs and the shapes you’ve made with the cliffs. The water fits in really well, and so does the little detail: bushes, trees, etc. My only flaw is that the big rocks you’ve used don’t really fit well. (Especially on the water.) Though despite that - terrific map, well done!

Whew. That took a long time! But yeah, these are great! Of course, some flaws in maps - but every mapper has their flaws! So don’t be discouraged by anything that I said that I didn’t really like - or needed improved on! Just improve it, and the maps you make in the future will hopefully look better!

If you want any tips, then you should really read some of the mapping guides if you haven’t already. (Char’s is probably the best.)

Hope I helped!

How lovely c: I love map making in general, and I’m really impressed with what the users here have done.

These look amazing, Nina!

I love the first one, that sky -! Even if it’s not supposed to be like it, the “pixelated” effect it gives makes it look amazing imo.

Good job!