Be respectful to one another. This is not the site where you go if you’re angry or upset. Please do not flame any of the boards or harass the other members. That was not what this site was intended for.
No Mary-Sues/Gary-Lous. In other words, the character that you create cannot be perfect. Like in real life, no one is talented in every sport and every academic subject. Everyone has their fears and dislikes, and so should your character.
No God-modding. This means, do not control another members character while Role-Playing. If both of you are in combat, then your character can throw a punch, but you can’t say you hit your opponent. Trust the other member and they will trust you. If we all follow this, everything will be fair and we will become better Role-Players.
Use the spell check. It’s there for a reason, and I don’t think it should go to waste. I don’t care if there’s some spelling mistakes, because no one’s an expert speller. If there’s excessive mistakes, I’ll ask you to change it.
Threads can have their own additional rules but these are quite fundamental.
No God-modding. This means, do not control another members character while Role-Playing. If both of you are in combat, then your character can throw a punch, but you can’t say you hit your opponent. Trust the other member and they will trust you. If we all follow this, everything will be fair and we will become better Role-Players.
Well… sometimes you need to control other people’s characters to move the story along faster, that’s what I think, anyway. While I agree that other users shouldn’t control other characters but they’re own, it makes the RP longer than it needs to be.
Well, I can see your viewpoint, but my argument stands: as long as you can handle controlling the person, you SHOULD be able to do it, but I’ll respect this forums’ decision and steady my hand.
Use the spell check. It’s there for a reason, and I don’t think it should go to waste. I don’t care if there’s some spelling mistakes, because no one’s an expert speller. If there’s excessive mistakes, I’ll ask you to change it.
Maybe 1-3 mistakes would b fine.4 or more=change it.
Forgive me if this question seems foolish…do all the roleplays have to be about Pokemon? I"ve been on sites that, in their roleplay sections, allowed roleplays other than what the site revolved around. I was wondering, as I don"t want to break any rules.
The rules don’t say anything about making roleplays not based on Pokemon, so I say go for it. It will be nice to have an RP or two not Pokemon based, and I would like to see how creative people would be with other settings and storys.
We should have another rule. DO NOT SPAM NEW TOPICS IF YOUR OTHERS FAILED ALREADY. I am getting quite annoyed at all the trash topics cluttering in the Rp forum, with more and more filling it up. Its INSANE how people don’t get the hint from their other Rp’s from FAILING.
@Soul: Shut up. We hav 2 many RPs failing and if ppl keep having 2 quit there won’t b any RPs, which means most of thr forum will die which means staff will delete it (well mayb not sum1 liek Candroo or Kronic but u get the point). Bsides, there’s only 2 pages of topics. Game/Site Suggestions has 4 pages of topics.
If you’re going to have a good Rp, you should have several people who are going to dedicate themselves to it, and not just quit after two posts. If the Rp dies, then its a hint that no one is interested anymore. Big whoop. Spamming is against the rules, and if people just keep making failures, then they’re just spamming trash.
Poor Soul…
So many cluttered rps… well, I have to admit, I’ve definitely seen worse. I, myself, can hardly believe there are only two whole pages of roleplays on this forum. But you know, I’ve seen how many posts CelebiShine makes all the time… CELEBISHINE! You have waaaay too many roleplays that you’re a part of… waaaaay too much. O.O