Being More Accessible: Light Ball

So, while playing PMU it is quite apparent the the held item Light Ball was only available as a Holiday Cave exclusive item. If there is any way to add this item to another location, lets say Sandy Shallows with the Secret Room Pikachu as a 0.01% or even 0.001% drop rate, or have it in Tanren Chambers Electric Exit End Boxes at either F84 or F99, then it would be more accessible to more players. With how Light Ball is most likely this Idea would be rejected in some way as the stats increase by x2 for Attack and Special Attack, but having it at a more difficult/late game location would balance it out in some manner.

I am hoping this gets pushed through as it would be a nice item for Pikachu Mains to have if they want to play the game without evolving their Pokemon.

I agree that having Light Ball become more accessible would be nice. I personally would prefer it to be in TC. Feels like it’d be right at home there. Though the low drop rate isn’t pad either. I don’t think the item would make Pikachu OP. Just make it more of a glass cannon which is fine. I’m not worried about it over shadowing Raichu either. Since Raichu has more bulk and arguably faster speed better prevents hitstun.

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