Coki's random artwork.

Edited the post! Gonna upload new stuff whenver I get to draw again, I hope you enjoy these!


  • Coki The Noctowl:

Even if Noctowl has always been my favorite Pokémon, I do admit it looks a bit manly. I haven"t draw in like…three years, but since joining I"ve been wanting to draw a lot, specially a female looking Noctowl, so you guys get an idea how do I look (Yesh! "Cause I am a Noctowl :o).

Sadly, never had the time to sit down and grab a pencil, lol. But last night I felt like it, and I had enough free time to do so. This is everything but perfect, but considering I haven"t draw in so many years I can say I"m happy with the resault.

Coki can get Angry if…you mess up with her friends.

Yeah…Owls get angry, too.

that’s amazing wow

Indeed amazing :o

I’m glad you like it! I need to keep practicing to make my draws look even better.

Thanks :heart:

Gosh this is adorable Coki !! ; w ;
I hope to see more art from you in the future, I love your art style !

Woah, this looks nice, Coki! I’m hope to see more art from you in the future, the style looks really nice. c:

Thank you a lot! :heart: I’m really happy you like it c: I’m working on something else, so may make my own thread soon. :joy:

Oh my gosh, Coki :D
This looks super pretty!

Thank you!

I finished my last drawing. While It’s fine, I need to get used to painting again and keep practicing some anathomy. In any way…I think we’re getting there :).

Coki gets angry if…you mess up with her friends

Nice work Coki! The coloring here looks very nice, and I like the style. Definitely keep that up! If I were to criticize anything, it’d be the fact that the head proportions look a little off. Despite that, I think that you are a fantastic artist, and I hope to see more from you in the future.

I like the light colors~ Keep up the good work!

Thank you a lot Stelee and Wiz for the feedback! I apologize for the late reply. I have been quite busy lately. :c

I do really appreciate your comments, I still have to keep working hard to make my art look more accurate to realty, but I guess practice makes perfection and may some day come.


Has been forever since I updated this!

These are my two latest drawings,

Nowi and I


I’m normally uploading my art on my freshly new DA. If you have a Da account let me know and I’ll follow you :D

Hope you like it!

Wow, super big fan of your traditional work O: Do you have any general techniques for coloring with watercolors? They always seem tricky!

Thank you C:

Well, I’m honestly horrible at giving advice xD. But I guess you’ll need to leave highlights blank, you can’t add plain white while using watercolors, so If you fail at leaving spaces without painting then the final work may look a bit odd. Also, try starting with light colors first, let the paper dry, and start adding darker colors while you progress. Backgrounds are quite easy, atleast abstract ones. Keep in mind watercolors will look different depending on the amount of water you use. They are tricky, but I find them to be quite fun! I can’t use other type of paint, i fail hard, lol.

Thank you C:

Well, I’m honestly horrible at giving advice xD. But I guess you’ll need to leave highlights blank, you can’t add plain white while using watercolors, so If you fail at leaving spaces without painting then the final work may look a bit odd. Also, try starting with light colors first, let the paper dry, and start adding darker colors while you progress. Backgrounds are quite easy, atleast abstract ones. Keep in mind watercolors will look different depending on the amount of water you use. They are tricky, but I find them to be quite fun! I can’t use other type of paint, i fail hard, lol.[/quote]

Definitely useful advice!! I’ll remember to try to be more patient when I do them myself. Looking forward to see what you post next!!