Consistency and changelogs

This might be a bit of a controversial opinion/topic. but id like to address it atleast somewhere where it wont be forgotten. So do please don’t take this instantly for granted as its a point of view/opinion id like to just open a topic about.

Lately, there has been something that irks me a little bit from a point of view aspect, that is out of nowhere changes/edits, especially lately on shinies where some of the rates are changed back and forth due to complaints/concerns (some definitely valid dont get me wrong x3), however. as said in a ‘point of view’, some of the changes look very impulse based if the complaints are just repeated by one or a couple people. Occasionally it feels like there isn’t much research done before a nerf/buff is done, which also is a bit concerning. Again though. this is just a concern id like to share out there as a opinion and see if others also share this feeling or not.

Outside of that, if such a change has occurred, be it existing dungeon edits, shinies. anything, it often comes as a surprise that you have to find out by proxy instead of reading up anywhere that such a change has occurred.

Then it comes to the main reason im making this suggestion/topic, would it be possible to make either a pinned forum post, or a seperate discord channel, where any non secret edit can be posted so people are aware what has changed like a changelog? Mainly so awareness is spread, and it would also help the Wiki editors out instead of finding out by proxy. Im not asking for exact rates and details, but a line of ‘X has been buffed/nerfed’ goes a long way.

Im curious on others their opinion, be this other players or the team itself, just felt like posting a giant wall of text in Discord for this isn’t really ideal. hence this forum post.

i personally agree too with some of the takes made here,

it is my personal belief that good communication between communitys and development teams is important for the healthy growth of games,
i think a basic change log to keep people informed would go a long way! :wigglyjoy:

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If a change can be made at all, I don’t see why saying “changed <thing>” In a Discord channel or forum post ( preferably the latter due to being more accessible ) Is so hard. It’s been said before that there Is an Internal changelog. That’s great, so I don’t understand the reluctance to have a public one

Sometimes changes are announced very randomly In the Discord or In-game chat, which Is something but there are still people who are not going to see It obviously. Which Is why a dedicated place for It that we know we can reference would be great

Actual client updates that use the updater would still be separate topics ( and even those are Inconsistent ) because they are not the same as a real-time change