Here’s just some controls and commands to get you start moving.
Game Commands
/commands - Shows a minor list of commands.
/chatrules (or /rules) - Shows the rules of PMU.
/giveup (or /gup) - Gives up in a dungeon or area. It takes you back to the Crossroads or what area you used /sethouse or bought your spawn at.
/sethouse - Sets your spawn in the current map if the map you’re on allows it.
/time - Shows the current time in-game and when the next time change will occur.
/trade “player name” - Allows you to trade with another player (there may be certain items that are not trade-able). Quotes are unnecessary.
/who - Gives you the number of players online.
/addfriend (or addfr) “namehere” - Add a player to your friends list. Quotes are unnecessary.
/removefriend (or /remfr) “namehere” - Removes a player to your friends list. Quotes are unnecessary.
/online “namehere” - Checks if a player is online.Quotes are unnecessary.
/stafflist - Checks for online staff members.
/abilities (or /abil) - Shows the abilities of the Pokemon you are currently using.
/mapmusic - Shows the name of the song selected for the current map.
/ping - Shows your ping. (Disabled)
/fps - Shows the frames per second.
/watch - Spectates in an arena.
/stopwatch - Stops spectating.
Partying with others: You can create a party for players to join. It all starts with a crew leader forming a party with /createparty (or /cp.) Up to four players may be in a party; the leader and three members. Parties can be created while in dungeons though they cannot be left nor can anyone be kicked
Users who want to join the party must be right next to the party leader and type /joinparty (or /jp) “party leader name”. Quotes are unnecessary.
/leaveparty (or /lp) to leave the party. If the party leader uses this command, the second player to join the party will automatically become leader.
/kickparty (or /kp) will check a player from your party. Only the leader of the party can use this command.
/myparty (or /mp) will check all the players in your party.
F - Basic Attack or launches move when holding W, A, S, or D.
Using moves: Once you learn some moves through leveling (some moves may be skipped over) hold either W, A, S, or D (these are move keys) and an aim tile should appear (unless it’s an empty move slot.) Press F while holding the move key to use it.
Shift - It allows you to run while holding it with the arrow keys.
1,2,3, and 4 makes a quick switch between your team’s Pokemon
Z,X,C and V uses held items held by the Pokemon in team slots 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively
M will toggle the minimap.
Home - Changes your Pokemon’s direction.
End - Shortcut for /refresh, it refreshes the map.
F9 - A shortcut to the online list.
F10 - A shortcut to the Battle Log.
F11 - Creates a screenshot and store it in you client folder under the screenshots
Usually it’s like this (unless placed under another directory or within a device)
C:\Program Files\Pokemon Mystery Universe\Client\Screenshots
Chat Commands
Global messages: To create messages in the global chat, add a ’ before your message.
Whisper - !“username” “message here”. Quotes in username are only necessary if they have a space in their name.
/g - To send messages to the members in your own guild.
/p - To send messages to the members in your party.
/requeststaff (or /rqstaff) “insert something here” - Sends a message to all online staff. Use only when crucial.
/me “insert something here” - Will say in the chat "your username" "message"
. Quotes are unnecessary.
/wb “player name” - Automatically creates a welcome back message.
/away - This command gives off a message that you are away or returning and an “[Away]” should appear next to you name. Type to return and automatically remove the “[Away]”.
/flipcoin - Flips a coin.
/tea - Says in the chat "your username" drinks a nice cuppa tea~
with additional text if provided.
/coffee - Says in the chat "your username" drinks a nice cup of coffee~
with additional text if provided.
/yawn - Says in the chat "your username" let out a loud yawn~
with additional text if provided.
/status “insert something here” - It makes a status message. For example if you type “/status AFK” you name gets “[AFK]” next to it. Very useful if you are in a certain mood or doing something. Type /status without anything to remove it. Quotes are unnecessary.
/hug “insert something here” - Quotes are only necessary if you use spaces.
/poke “insert something here” - Quotes are only necessary if you use spaces.
/praise “insert something here” - Quotes are only necessary if you use spaces.
/notepad “insert something here” - Quotes are only necessary if you use spaces.
/wave “insert something here” - Quotes are only necessary if you use spaces.
/glomp - Will let the user know whether they see Plusle or Minun in Thunderstorm Forest. A lesser version of /charid.
/charid - Shows the user their character ID, including their Tanren Undercity gang, what Pokemon they see in certain dungeons, and what Unova starter they get from Harmonic Tower eggs.
/news - Brings up the latest news in the chat.
/) - Clapping. Says in the chat "your username" clapped!
/)) - Murmur.
/* - Excitement.
/+ /++ - Angry.
/’ - Sweat drop.
/; - Worry.
/! /!! - Exclamation point.
/? /?? - Question mark.
/!? - Shocked.
/. - Ellipses.
/… - Two sets of ellipses.
/… - Three sets of ellipses.
/muwaha - Laugh.
/pichu - Plays a sound file of Pichu if you’re using a Pichu.
/pichu! - Plays a sound file of Pichu if you’re using a Pichu.
/pikachu! - Plays a sound file of Pikachu if you’re using a Pikachu.
/raichu! - Plays a sound file of Raichu if you’re using a Raichu
/eevee! - Plays a sound file of Eevee if you’re using an Eevee.
/vulpix! - Plays a sound file of Vulpix if you’re using a Vulpix.
/voice - Plays a sound file of the Pokemon you’re using if it has one.
/cry - Plays the cry of the Pokemon you’re using.
House commands:
Any rank:
/leavehouse (or /lh) - Leaves a player’s house.
/housekick (or /hk) “player name” - Kicks a player from your house. Quotes are unnecessary.
/emptyhouse (or /hkall) - Kicks all players from your house
/edithouse - Opens up the editor when you are in your house.
/houseentrance - Changes entrance spawn tile.
/houseroof - Makes the map indoors or outdoors (indoors stops weather and time change.)
Bronze rank:
/houseshop - Add a shop tile.
/housenotice - Add a notice tile.
/housesound - Add a sound tile.
/housesign - Add a sign tile.
Silver rank:
/houseweather - Adds or removes weather.
/houselight - Controls darkness.
Gold rank:
/houseexpand - Expands house, cost depending on size.
Capture the Flag commands:
/ctfjoin - Join capture the flag game.
/ctfcreate - Create capture the flag game.
/ctfleave - Leave current capture the flag game.
/ctf “message” - Sends a message in the ctf chat.
If the Leader of Capture the Flag:
/ctfstart - Starts the game when there at least 4 players.
/ctfend - Can end the Capture the Flag game.
/ctfflag (number) - Sets the # of flags.