Decisions, Decisions...

This topic is basically akin to Sapphy’s roleplay choices threads. You pick a roleplay archetype that you’d like me to make, and I create the thread after the seven days are up.

So get voting. >:U brick’d

I’m always up for a crossover. :>:D:

Same. :joy:

Scifi scenario where in a future where theres fancy technology and stuff that looks cool, but also a society that moves as a unison, some pokemon realize that their individuality is being suppressed

so its not very actiony but

ughghgug im sorry but i just want something sci fi

I want a crossover :3
Even though I’m a newbie at roleplaying forums :P

Welcome to the RP forums. c: Lol.
I hope you enjoy it, it’s quite easy to get into.

sees Final Fantasy Poll

OMGS FINAL FANTASY :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Lightning~ She’s so cool~

Yeah. Paine too. c:

Looks like someone didn’t specify what they meant when they chose “other”. >:U

xD I know. That’s annoying. Maybe they agree with xkatsumi’s idea? Shrug

…Fire Emblem? SQUEEEEEEEEEE! Insane Fangirling

:33< Crossovers work too.


I wouldn’t mind setting it up, Mara. P:

a crossover sounds sooper fun.


I wouldn’t mind setting it up, Mara. P:[/quote]


Sure, sounds great!

Time for voting is almost over. If you want to vote, do it today or tomorrow.

Crossover is winning. c:

A Fire Emblem RP? I’m not as well versed in some of the modern games, but I like the idea, I’ll have to do some reading. (Or playing). Either way, it’s something I have yet to see here, and I’d like to take a crack at diversifying.

Crossover and Fire Emblem are currently tied. Last chance for voting!