Digimon: The Rebellion (Sign Up)

PlotWhether we noticed it or not, the Digimon craze has been coming and going, there were the card games, the hand held games, the movies, the console games…the list goes on. Manufacturers all around the world create these unique devices to be sold in stores all around the world. Things have been coming and going just like that for a while now, but one thing you never expected was to actually be in the game itself.

Many researchers took a giant leap in which they were able to use new technology to allow humans to enter the digital world. This led to the advances in many areas, such as broadening the horizons of home shopping and such, but the “portals” for entering these digital world are large, hefty and rather unattractive metal chambers which cost a fortune. Only the richest of people can afford these for their homes, but luckily the creators of these “portal chambers” are kind. With the goal of becoming known world wide they have opened several large arena like buildings simply filled with these chambers, much like a library.

With money and entertainment in mind, the creators of Digimon decided to purchase some of these buildings. They made an online game in which anyone with access to these portals could play. It has been in testing for many years and many people were eager to play. Finally, it is finished and the game is being released to the public.
It has been a year now and the people are amazed. With graphics so great they may as well be real and the ability to use all of your senses to truly understand the environment around you, technology and expectations were soaring.

Whether you were waiting ever since the announcement of it"s creation or whether you"re only curious because of something a friend may have said, you are about to try this game for the first time in your life, but are you prepared?


  1. Official PMU rules apply.
  2. No Godmod. You cannot dodge every attack or win every battle.
  3. Relationships are allowed as long as they are kept at a PG13 level maximum.
  4. Include a theme tune for your character in the sign up.
  5. Yes, you can have more than one digimon, but you don"t have to. You won"t be getting another any time soon.
  6. No more than 2 characters each please.
  7. No perfect characters. Everyone has flaws.
  8. A post should be at least 3 sentences long.
  9. I shall choose your digimon for you, if you have any objections of preferences then feel free to PM me and I may consider re-choosing.
  10. Have fun~

Sign Up

[b]Full name:[/b] 
[b]Nickname:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Alias:[/b] (Fake name, optional)


[b]Appearance:[/b] (Image or description)
[b]Bracelet colour:[/b] 
[b]Digivice colour:[/b] (Colour 1= Base. Colour 2= Grips & Buttons)

[b]Likes: [/b]

[b]Family:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Crush:[/b] (Optional)

[b]Home:[/b] (What country do you live in?)



Let’s do this!

Full name: Kemerd Everet Gunslinger
Nickname: Kem
Alias: None

Gender: Male
Height: 5’3
Weight: 147 lbs.

Age: 14
Birthday: February 15th
Appearance: Medium height for his age, and a medium lengthed hair which he likes to keep in a stringy sort of anime-style hairdo. He has blue eyes, and a decent looking face. He’s often seen wearing a t-shirt and some cargo jeans. He has a regular amount of muscle too, and he’s not too fat or skinny.
Bracelet colour: Black
Digivice colour: 1 = Black and 2 = Grey

Likes: Pizza, Jokes, Cake, Digimon
Dislikes: Yu-Gi-Oh, Super Mean People
Fears: Death
Dreams: Robotics Engineer

Family: A mom, dad, a baby sister (1 year old), and a younger brother (7 years old)
Crush: Nobody… yet.

Home: Georgia
Personality: Pretty easy going, and will stick up for others, and even protect them with himself, if that’s needed. He’s very passionate at some times, and tries to never give up, even if things are very tough. Though if he’s angry or upset, he’ll turn into someone you never want to be around.

History: Kemerd grew up a normal life, besides from the fact that he was extremely interested in computers and robotics. Kemerd, at a young age, was very interested in how things worked. He constantly took things apart, and liked to observe how they worked. At age 7, he built his first computer. After that, his knowledge in robotics skyrocketed. It’s not like he was a genius or anything, he just knew a fair amount of robotics. He won school fiars, and even championships! (Sometimes BOB beat him.)Along with that, he started clubs and communities of robotics in his school and town, But there was one thing edging at his mind. The digital world. How did it work? Is it cool? Should I try it? This gnawed away at his mind for a long time, and one day, he decided to go and travel to one of the “portals”, which costed a monthly amount, not too much. So he left his home town to go travel to atlanta, to try to get work there, (he hoped to join one of the “portal” place’s staff.) and get an apartment. But most of all, he wanted to go to the digital world. So he arrives in Atlanta, ready for a new life, well, sorta. He has passed a government test allowing him to fend for himself in the world, allowing him the freedom of adulthood.

Other: Has a dragon pendant which he keeps around his neck. His favorite digimon is dracomon!

Pokefriends: [Pending]

  • Very good, although I insist that you read through the rules once more. When you have done what I have asked of you I shall tell you the digimon in which I have special picked out for you.

This seems interesting.

Full name: Verix Soveria Necer
Nickname: Vex

Gender: Male
Height: 7" 11"
Weight: 214 lbs

Age: 23
Birthday: October 28
Appearance: A teal hoodie, burgundy jeans, scarlet hair, peach skin, and hazel eyes.
Bracelet colour: Vermilion
Digivice colour: 1=Dark purple 2=Burnt orange

Likes: Video games
Dislikes: Work, death
Fears: Thunder and lightning, a close friend dying
Dreams: To live long and become the best he can at life

Home: Canada
Personality: Is easygoing, but if something’s at stake or bad things are occurring, he’s a force to be reckoned with.

History: Verix hardly knew his parents. His father died of cancer and his mother died of a stroke. His only other family member, his grandfather, committed suicide when he heard of his daughter’s death. He flew into a fit consisting of both frenzied rage and heart-breaking sadness. He then continued on with life, making sure people only die when the time is right or they deserve to die. He hasn’t killed anyone…yet. On a side note, he was never a Digimon fan. He only moved into an apartment that had a chamber to the online game by pure chance.

Other: His theme tune is Tragic Reconstruction from Mother 3.

Partner Digimon

Name: Florence Enselio
Nickname: Flo
Species: Floramon

Gender: Female
Move(s): Rain of Pollen: Generates allergy-inducing pollen from the flowers on both of its arms, which will cause even larger Digimon to suffer.

Personality: Florence is very relaxed and laid back. She is fascinated in “the real world” and in humans. She loves to learn about things and loves long conversations. She doesn"t like fighting, but she is very attached to her tamer so will do what they ask, even though she may hesitate at first.

Digivolution line: This may vary depending on how you raise your Digimon. Different actions can trigger different paths.
Yuramon -> Tanemon -> Floramon -> Kiwimon -> Blossomon -> Gryphonmon

maraia: [Accepted]

  • [li]Good, but but seems it a bit short. I’m fine with it though.

Verix Necer’s Partner Digimon

Name: Florence Enselio
Nickname: Flo
Species: Floramon

Gender: Female
Move(s): Rain of Pollen: Generates allergy-inducing pollen from the flowers on both of its arms, which will cause even larger Digimon to suffer.

Personality: Florence is very relaxed and laid back. She is fascinated in “the real world” and in humans. She loves to learn about things and loves long conversations. She doesn"t like fighting, but she is very attached to her tamer so will do what they ask, even though she may hesitate at first.

Digivolution line: This may vary depending on how you raise your Digimon. Different actions can trigger different paths.
Yuramon -> Tanemon -> Floramon -> Kiwimon -> Blossomon -> Gryphonmon

Considering I’ve been playing a lot of Digimon Dawn, I’d love to join.

Full name: Akira D. Sato.
Nickname: Akira, Wolfie.
Alias: He likes to go by “Okami”.

Gender: Male.
Height: 5 Feet, 4 Inches.
Weight: 134lb.

Age: 26.
Birthday: April 29th. (Taurus.)
Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/1146659

Light blond hair, blue tinted sunglasses, black vest, white dress shirt, and black pants. He carries around a gray messenger bag and wears a white scarf. Just look up Heiwajima Shizuo up. :S

Bracelet colour: White
Digivice colour: (Color One) White / (Color Two) Black

Likes: Solitude, Close Friends.
Dislikes: Chatty people.
Fears: Losing anyone else close.
Dreams: Seeing his mother again.

His father, Daiichi Sato, whom is 56 years of age.
His brother, Jun Sato, who is 23 years old.
Deceased Mother.
Crush: N/A as of the moment. He prefers not to make new friends in fear of losing them.

Home: Tokyo, Japan.
Personality: Akira is a “Lone Wolf” so to speak, thus his nickname “Wolfie”. He does like the company of close friends, but dislikes being forced into situations where he is with a complete stranger. Akira prefers actions rather than words, so he does tend to be a bit bold. Akira used to be a bit more friendly before his mother died.

History: Akira was born into a wonderful world, but suffered through a sad, sad life. His father was a heavy drinker. He would always come back late, and his family would cower in fear of his drunken rage. One day, when Akira was 20, his father choked his mother to death in front of him and his brother, Jun. Because Akira was old enough to be a legal guardian, he took in Jun in his apartment near the college he studied at. Thankfully, his mother left her savings with them.

Akira and Jun had been so close to their mother, but now, they only had each other. To put his mind off of his actual life, Akira decided to try out this “Digimon” thing of the new world that had been put forth.

(Short History is short. :C )

Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWV1I_VMW4k
“Time Consumer” by Coheed & Cambria.

[spoilerAkira Sato"s Digimon:3ip0pmi4]Name: Kaiba.
Nickname: Kai.
Species: Gabumon

Gender: Male
Moves: [ul][li]Blue Blaster: Releases a stream of blue ice-like flames from its mouth.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: Kaiba is very kind and generous especially to his friends. He is forgiving and sometimes this is a bad thing as he chooses not to see the worst in people. He is modest and doesn"t like being the center of attention although he does enjoy having friends around him. He isn"t a fan of hot days.
Digivolution line:
Punimon -> Tsunomon -> Gabumon -> Garurumon -> WereGarurumon -> MetalGarurumon -> ZeedGarurumon


Full name: Iris Ameliaya Ivanova
Nickname: N/A
Alias: N/A

Gender: Female
Height: Five feet, 5 inches
Weight: 112 lbs

Age: 16
Birthday: May 21st

Bracelet colour: Green
Digivice colour: 1 = White 2 = Green

Likes: The color green, cats, sweets, manga, and anime.
Dislikes: Doctors, killers, thieves, insects, the color orange, and the music genre rap.
Fears: She has a fear of insects. As well as a fear of doctors.
Dreams: Iris one day hopes to simply become a great person and overcome her mental problems.

Family: Aunt, deceased parents.
Crush: nope.

Home: Russia
Personality: Iris is a blunt girl who says whatever is on her mind. She is called rude, but she says she is simply saying what she’s thinking. When she isn’t being blunt, she is a friendly girl. Her friendly side rarely shows to strangers, only to friends mostly. She is not easily excitable, so she is rarely seen smiling. However, this does not mean she doesn’t like smiling. She is also quite serious by nature, this influences the fact she doesn’t smile much.

She has a huge fear of bugs, she simply freezes whenever she sees one. She has never tried to overcome this fear, nor has she even tried to get help with it.She also has a fear of doctors because of one trying to get personal with her during one of her treatments for her mental illness. She has a fear of bugs, as well, because of a past event when she saw a spider that was bigger than her own hand.

Iris is mentally unstable. She sees doctors for this problem. However, she is no longer in the hospital considering she has been improving somewhat. This means she is sometimes not in control of her emotions, and she shows unpredictable behavior. Her case isn’t as severe as most cases, but this does not take away the fact she is mentally unstable.

History: Iris was born in Russia to her mother and father, as most children are. She was a rather unexpected child, but her parents loved her anyway. They lived the life of a normal, worry-free, middle class family. A few years after Iris was born, her family moved to Japan to live with her mother’s sister. They all lived happily until around the time Iris turned 6 years old.

At the age of 6, Iris began to grow from a baby to a child. She was attending classes like other kids her age. She was a bright young student with a great life. On a day off from Iris’s classes, she decided to run into the abandoned building down the block to play hide and go seek with her parents. She hid in an empty wardrobe as she awaited for her parents to find her.

A few minutes later, she heard them calling for her, laughing as they did. Their laughter died into screaming as they began to run. Iris peeked out through the hole of the wardrobe and saw… a monster attacking her parents. She sat in the wardrobe, shivering and shaking. She was afraid. Her parents had probably died because of her. She hugged her knees and began to cry.

A few hours after the incident, Iris was still in the wardrobe, crying. She heard her aunt calling for her. She didn’t respond, she just kept crying. Her aunt soon discovered Iris in the wardrobe and asked what was wrong. Iris told her the full story as she kept crying. Her aunt tried to comfort her, but failed. Soon after, they headed home. Not attempting to looking for Iris’s parents.

Ever since that incident, Iris began to show signs of being mentally unstable. Her emotions changed quickly, as well as her actions which were simply unpredictable. At age 7, her aunt took her to the hospital to be examined. Iris had the exact sypmtoms of being mentally unstable. She has stayed in the hospital, getting treatment as well as getting tutored. At age 13, she was released from the hospital due to her illness improving. Now she lives like a normal person should… or so she thinks. Her unstableness is still apparent, even after being released.

Other: Theme song: Ib OST - Prelude

Name: Key
Nickname: N/A
Species: Hawkmon

Gender: Male
Move(s): [ul][li]Feather Strike: Uses the feather ornament on its head like a boomerang. [/li]
[li]Beak Pecker: Violently pecks with its beak like a woodpecker.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: Key is playful and sometimes is too curious for his own good. He likes to tell stories of adventures. He gets rather cranky after waking up but he never means to be mean. Bold and adventurous he never runs away from danger. (so to speak)
Digivolution line:
Pururumon -> Porumon -> Hawkmon -> Aquilamon -> Garudamon -> Hououmon -> Varodurumon

Will be finished soon.

Full name:Zachary Ember Kuso
Nickname:Zach (pronounced, Zack) Zack (often a misspelled Zach)


Birthday:June 1st
Bracelet colour:White
Digivice colour: Color 1 (or Colour) is white, Color/Colour 2 is blue (Colour 1= Base. Colour 2= Grips & Buttons)

Likes: Pepperoni Pizza, Dogs
Dislikes:Cats, anything on Pizza except Pepperoni
Fears:Zombies, gore, ya know, “scary” stuff.

Family: (Optional)
Crush:He’s open so…yeah. (Optional)

Home:Maine, USA




Full name: Flint Lockburst
Nickname: Flint, Flin
Alias: None

Gender: Male
Weight: 123 lbs.

Age: 12
Birthday: January 18
Bracelet colour: Multi-colored
Digivice colour: 1 = Multiply-colored (though it looks like lego blocks) colour 2= one button is green, the other black.

Likes: Toys, Puzzles, Plants
Dislikes: Pollution, fights.
Fears: The pain of others
Dreams: Toy designer

Family: A drunkard dad, and a workaholic mom.
Crush: Nobody… yet.

Home: Czechslovakyia
Personality:Quite shy and minimaly crazy spinning around in happiness, he enjoys making others smile, even the worst of times he can make them smile. He is known to be minimally calm at times of death but that’s only what you see from outside.

History: Flint was a child who grew up with a sad life. A drunkard father who tried his best to care for him, and a Workaholic mother who barely bothers to look at him. As life went on he just smiled, no matter how much his heart was crushed. He only cried when he was asleep. Inside of his deep heart, he knew many secrets of torture, those which were so great that by his weakest torture you would never want to live any more. Because his parents had no care for him, he went minorly insane and his only friends were toys, mostly consisting of Lego Blocks. When he finally went to high school he was famous for his lego statues and merciful demeanor he was just afraid he would hurt someone… When he found a phone strangely placed in his bag, he picked it up, and wondered what it would have to do with anything. When he unlocked it, it turned into a digivice, now he searches the Digital world in hopes he can find something… something useful.

Other: He has a repair kit to fix any type of toy. He is addicted to ToyAgumon.

Theme Song: Master of puppets instrumental (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewM7TqJiS5Y)


If you want to add your digimon info into your Sign Up then you can click the quote button at the top of the post that has the information on it. Find the data of your Digimon then copy it. Then all you need to do is paste it into your own Sign up and voila, it’s all together in one post for easier reference.

Agunimon: [Pending]

[ul][li]I advise you to re-read the rules very carefully. You missed out something. Other than that it is fine.[/li]
[li]Once it is done I shall give you your partner Digimon.[/ul][/li]
Luli: [Accepted]

  • [li]Awww…Sad story is sad.

Nickname: [Your choice]
Species: Hawkmon

Gender: Male
Move(s): [ul][li]Feather Strike: Uses the feather ornament on its head like a boomerang. [/li]
[li]Beak Pecker: Violently pecks with its beak like a woodpecker.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: [Name] is playful and sometimes is too curious for his own good. He likes to tell stories of adventures. He gets rather cranky after waking up but he never means to be mean. Bold and adventurous he never runs away from danger. (so to speak)
Digivolution line:
Pururumon -> Porumon -> Hawkmon -> Aquilamon -> Garudamon -> Hououmon -> Varodurumon


Ribbon: [Incomplete]

  • [li]Ok then.

Maxima_LeShedded: [Accepted]

[ul][li]No need for the digivice right now, you’ll get one when you enter the game, but you can’t take it outside of the game…not yet anyway. [SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER!][/li]
[li]Like I said in the rules, you can recruit other Digimon too, who knows, you might find a ToyAgumon.[/ul][/li][spoilerFlint Lockburst"s Digimon:226lqu7s]Name: Svietnik
Nickname: Nick
Species: Candlemon

Gender: Male
Moves: [ul][li]Flame Bomber: Fires a small flame of fire energy that explode if hits. [/li]
[li]Melt Wax: Fires a bunch of wax sticks at the opponent. [/li]
[li]Paraffin Paralyzer: Fires multiple globs of hot wax to paralyze opponent.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: Svietnik is brave and rather feisty. He is energetic and easy to anger so can be quite a handful. Luckily, he knows when to behave himself and will remain quiet in times he knows it is necessary. He isn"t very polite and speaks his mind and he isn"t one to talk behind backs.
Digivolution line:
Mokumon -> DemiMeramon -> Candlemon -> Wizardmon -> Phantomon -> MetalPhantomon
Mokumon -> DemiMeramon -> Candlemon -> Wizardmon -> Mistymon -> Dynasmon


These will be some people you may encounter a few times. I suppose you can call them them the bad guys if it makes it simpler.

[spoilerJacques:1nms32id]Full name: Jacques Randall
Nickname: J
Alias: Specter

Gender: Male
Height: 180cm
Weight: ??

Age: 18
Birthday: 3rd August
Bracelet colour: Grey
Digivice colour: 1. Grey 2. Ice blue.

Likes: Cats
Dislikes: Loud noises
Fears: Fire
Dreams: ??


Home: France
Personality: Secretive and calm. He keeps to himself and doesn"t consider himself as a normal person.

History: An experienced Digimon gamer. He collected cards ever since he was young and always doodled Digimon he saw on the TV. When he was 10 his house caught fire after his father got drunk and fell asleep, his cigarette still lit in a room filled with alcohol.

A beam fell down on his mum and his younger brother as they tried to get out, the doors being jammed and the windows were too thick to break properly, the only way to get out was from the basement window. He tried to help his mum and brother out but he was told to run after more parts of the house started too collapse.

He escaped but he was scared for life. He has a large burn mark across his back. After his escape he was homeless with nothing but the burnt clothes he wore. He was found by a kind man who took care of him for a few days until
he was feeling better. When the man found out what happened he told the boy where he should go.

Just like that he ended up in an orphanage where he was mocked because of his cowardliness. He was bullied and had his stuff taken a lot. He was called a “no-one” and was excluded from the others. He kept to himself and simply thought to himself remembering what life was like before the fire, and what life would be like if she was still alive.

He was one of the original testers for the Digimon World Reality game. He is ranked number 11 on the leader-board having one of the strongest digimon in the whole game. With nothing else to do Jacques spent almost all his time in the game making a name for himself. Wanting to forget what happened to him he made a fake personality for himself.

When he was told he could have everything his heart desired, he jumped at the offer. Ever since then he went missing in both the real world, and the digital world.

Theme Tune: Linken Park-Papercut
Other: Nope.


Name: Loki
Species: Sangloupmon

Gender: Male
Moves: [ul][li]Sticker Blade: Flings thousands of tiny blades and instantaneously skewers the opponent from within. [/li]
[li]Black Mind: Disassembles its own data and melts into the opponent"s shadow.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: Loki is mischievous, hence his name. He is highly aggresive as Sangloupmon and only listens to his master. As Dracmon he was weak and Jacques didn"t approve of it. In order to please him Loki tries his best to hold his Champion form, meaning he needs to absorb data in order to prevent himself reverting, leading to an almost possessive need to fight. Jacques grows increasingly frustrated with him as he is unable to reach Mega form. Loki only wishes to make his master proud and has grown attached to him, but cannot behave how he wants or else his master may lose patience with him and abandon him just like he witnessed with his original partner, Lunamon. Loki promised to Lunamon he would make Jacques smile for her like he did when he first got her. So far he had been unsuccessful, but he"s not going to simply give up either.
Digivolution line:
Kuramon -> Tsumemon -> Dracmon -> Sangloupmon -> Matadormon -> GranDracmon

[spoilerWilliam:1nms32id]Full name: William Smith
Nickname: Will
Alias: Crow

Gender: Male
Height: 184cm
Weight: ??

Age: 20
Birthday: 13th January
Bracelet colour: White
Digivice colour: 1. White 2. Gold

Likes: Shiny objects.
Dislikes: Cats
Dreams: To get a place for himself where he can invent things.

Family: Sister [Amelia 15]

Home: Italy, Venice.
Personality: Smart, cunning and unpredictable, Will is an expert in strategy and usually pretends to make bad decisions to test the opponent"s battling style. He doesn"t trust people he meets straight away and he needs to fully understand them before he will attempt to form a friendship. Will loves to think to himself and doesn"t like talking to people. He fully trusts his partner, Ferrum.

History: William rushed through school gaining knowledge and information quickly he was able to pass all his tests. He knew more than the other students and after going to college he went to study technology at a university.
He excelled there too, able to disassemble and rebuild objects with ease. He was able to perfect his skills and when he discovered the Digimon craze he decided to find out what the ruckus was about. He was amazed at how much effort went into the programming. He decided to test out the game after it was released and he soon found he actually enjoyed it.

He traveled through the world with his partner but found it was much more than he expected. He was able to take his time and there are still some places even he can"t go through because of the powerful Digimon, and he is ranked number 10 on the leader-board. At times he even experiments on Digimon, and even his own. Unfortunately most of them failed…apart from one. His experiments on Hagurumon became something more when he discovered his Mega form, Machinedramon. Noticing it was built up from the metal parts of other digimon such as Andromon, Megadramon and MetalTyrannomon, he was able to use the data from other digimon to improve it. Back in the real world he discovered there was some sort of data for another form of Machinedramon. He eventually found out what it was and was able to use it, triggering a new form for his partner after Machinedramon. He took the data needed and stored it in a tag to be used for the future. He met Jacques when testing it out.

He defeated him easily and shot up in the ranks, unfortunately this form was difficult for his partner to control and they often lost control of him so Will is almost constantly trying to find a way to improve it so that it would obey him, putting his partner in a difficult situation.

He was last seen in the digital world heading north from the central city. That was five months ago…

Theme Tune: Lostprophets - We Bring An Arsenal


Name: Ferrum
Species: Hagurumon

Gender: Male
Moves: [ul][li]Cog Crusher: Buries a black gear with a built-in computer virus within the body of the opponent, driving them mad.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: Naive, gullible and easily fooled. He is manipulated without even realizing it. Will tells him to only listen to him because of this, but Ferrum is a chatterbox and enjoys meeting new people. He is humorous and loves to tell jokes and funny stories but Will never listens anyway. This makes Ferrum feel ignored and insignificant, except for when Will is experimenting on him. He discovered that Will was very interested in his fully digivolved form, Machinedramon. So much so that Will decided to test on him as Machinedramon, changing his armor leading to a new form. This form was hard for him to control, even more than Machinedramon. Ferrum often went berserk or reverted back to a MetalKoromon, which made it difficult to get back to Hagurumon again.
Despite all this Ferrum loves William like a brother and is willing to do anything for him because he knows what Will is just a person doing what he loves.

Digivolution line:
MetalKoromon -> Hagurumon -> Mekanorimon -> Megadramon -> Machinedramon -> Chaosdramon

[spoilerAngelica:1nms32id]Full name: Angelica Castawell
Nickname: Angel

Gender: Female
Height: 148cm
Weight: ??

Age: 12
Birthday: 9th December
Appearance: (Those wings are just decoration)

Bracelet colour: Red
Digivice colour: 1. Red 2. White

Likes: Candy, singing, dancing, music, drawing, laughing, birds.
Dislikes: Mean people, mornings, noisy animals.
Fears: Spiders and creepy-crawlies.
Dreams: To be rich and famous.

Crush: [open]

Home: Wales
Personality: Cheerful, happy-go-lucky and very superstitious, Angelica loves what you expect a child to enjoy.
Although she is childish, she has a strong understanding of life and has some good arguments on her part.
She"s quite a “simple” child who enjoys adventures. She isn"t very high on the leader-board at number 1097, but she"s higher than a lot of others.

History: “Uhhm…you don"t need to know this.”
“Uhh- yes they do.”
“Duuhh. No they don"t.” scribble scribble scribble
“Well we need to tell them something.”
“Tell them I"m a unicorn or something.”
“Uhh, no.”
“Fine. I"m from a rich family and we bought a portal when they first came out and I was bored so I got the game, alright?”
"No “cause that"s not t-”
(If you REALLY want to know her history then I can put it up, I just didn"t think it"d be a good idea to put it up just yet.)

Theme Tune: Evanescence-Hello
Other: “Na-ah”


Name: Rex
Nickname: “Pet”
Species: Dorugamon

Gender: Male
Moves: [ul][li]Cannonball: Fires an iron sphere from its mouth while charging, although it has more power if it stands still and accumulates power before firing. [/li]
[li]Power Metal: Fires a large iron sphere from its mouth.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: With an aggressive disposition, Rex is a powerful Digimon who will fight almost anyone, no matter what form. As a Dorumon he is cowardly and he finds it pathetic when looking back. To stay brave he remains in his champion form, also for convenience as he is ready for battle. Merciless in battle, he never turns down a challenge.
Digivolution line:
Dodomon -> Dorimon -> Dorumon -> Dorugamon -> Dorugreymon -> Dorugoramon
Dodomon -> Dorimon -> Dorumon -> DexDorugamon -> DexDorugreymon -> DexDorugoramon -> Dexmon


Totally forgot the theme song. D: Meh. Edited~

Full name: Mark Deatheyes
Nickname: Mark (Optional)
Alias:none (Fake name, optional)

Weight:129 lbs

Birthday:27 October
Appearance: (Image or description)
Bracelet colour:Black
Digivice colour:Color 1:Black Color 2:Blue (Colour 1= Base. Colour 2= Grips & Buttons)

Likes:Tea, Pies, Onion
Dislikes: Technical stuff
Fears: His really bad Nightmares
Dreams:To revenge his family and find his lost girlfriend

Family:Died in a battle (Optional)
Crush:Lisa (Optional)

Home:Japan (What country do you live in?)
Personality: Really hotheaded but fast and strong

History:Mark Deatheyes was born in Japan.
He was taught to be a ninja samurai.
His father was the protector of the village he lived because he was the strongest samurai.
His family died in a battle when he was 7. After that he trained and lived alone as a ninja.
With the digital world he wants to find a way to get his girlfriend back and to help other people

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxVX-mXvlJs (from another game)

[spoilerMark Deatheyes"s Digimon:3im7l5ks]Name: Growly
Nickname: Growly
Species: Labramon

Gender: Male
Cure Liquor: Restores and optimizes the data of weakened Digimon.
Retriever-bark: Generates a hyper-oscillation with a powerful bark.
Moves as Seasarmon:
Sun"s courage: Fires countless holy arrows of sunlight.
Sekkantou: Creates a temporary barrier to prevent the intrusion of evil Viruses. (Imagine it as a barrier basically)

Personality: Growly is loyal and loves his owner no matter what. He isn"t much of a fighter as Labramon because of his low strength, however, he happily heals his friends, allies and even strangers with his “Cure Liquor” move.Growly can be brave when his master is in trouble, but other than that he is easily startled and prefers to run from fights than to battle in fear of losing his life. He loves relaxing with his owner and sleeping.
Digivolution line:
Paoman -> Xiaomon -> Labramon -> Seasarmon -> Cerberumon -> Anubismon

Name: Necro(You choose)
Nickname: (You choose)
Species: Saberdramon

Gender: Male
Black Saber: A black version of Birdramon"s Meteor Wing attack. Flaps its wings then sends black flames from the sky.
Mach Shadow: Sends a shadow with incredible speed, of itself to attack opponents.
Nitro Arrow: Shoots a green arrow from its chest.

Personality: Saberdramon wants nothing more than to be powerful, but hopes to achieve that through other means than destroying any Digimon he comes across. He is an experienced fighter and was once a partner Digimon, but when his partner abandoned him as a Biyomon he fled to the real Digital world with a Birdramon who promised him power and a tamer who would not leave him. He dislikes being Biyomon because in that form he is unable to fly.
Digivolution line:
Nyokimon -> Yokomon -> Biyomon -> Saberdramon -> Karatenmon
Nyokimon -> Yokomon -> Biyomon -> Saberdramon -> Crowmon -> Ravemon -> Ravemon Burst Mode

Name: Anny (You choose)
Nickname: (You choose)
Species: Lopmon

Gender: Female
Tiny Twister: Generates a tiny tornado by spinning its ears like a propeller.
Blazing Ice: Spits out shots of supercooled air.
Double Typhoon: A mighty technique in which it performs its “Tiny Twister” alongside Terriermon"s “Terrier Tornado”.

Personality: Shy and easily upset. Lopmon stays in the comfort of friends and family and prefers to stay in a group where she"d be safer. She doesn"t like to fight but when her friends are in danger she will summon bravery from within herself and risk her life to protect them.
Digivolution line:
Conomon -> Kokomon -> Lopmon -> Turuiemon -> Antylamon (Data) -> Cherubimon (Good/Evil)
Conomon -> Kokomon -> Lopmon -> Wendigomon -> Antylamon (Virus) -> Cherubimon (Good/Evil)

Ps. Saberdramon is well able to digivolve up to Ultimate level easily, but the tamer needs enough strength for it to do so. If the bond is too weak, Saberdramon won"t be able to hold it long, if able to reach it at all.


Agunimon: [Accepted]

  • [li]Thanks for fixing that.

Nickname: [You choose]
Species: Gabumon

Gender: Male
Moves: [ul][li]Blue Blaster: Releases a stream of blue ice-like flames from its mouth.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: [name] is very kind and generous especially to his friends. He is forgiving and sometimes this is a bad thing as he chooses not to see the worst in people. He is modest and doesn"t like being the center of attention although he does enjoy having friends around him. He isn"t a fan of hot days.
Digivolution line:
Punimon -> Tsunomon -> Gabumon -> Garurumon -> WereGarurumon -> MetalGarurumon -> ZeedGarurumon


PachirisuBESTPOKE: [Accepted]

  • [li]No height or weight?

Nickname: [You choose]
Species: Labramon

Gender: Male
Moves: [ul][li]Cure Liquor: Restores and optimizes the data of weakened Digimon. [/li]
[li]Retriever-bark: Generates a hyper-oscillation with a powerful bark.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: [name] is loyal and loves his owner no matter what. He isn"t much of a fighter as Labramon because of his low strength, however, he happily heals his friends, allies and even strangers with his “Cure Liquor” move. [name] can be brave when his master is in trouble, but other than that he is easily startled and prefers to run from fights than to battle in fear of losing his life. He loves relaxing with his owner and sleeping.
Digivolution line:
Paoman -> Xiaomon -> Labramon -> Seasarmon -> Cerberumon -> Anubismon


Full name: Matt Exo Horisis
Nickname: (Optional) Horus
Alias: (Fake name, optional) None

Gender: M
Height: 5"3
Weight: 75.8 lb.

Age: 12
Birthday: 6-27
Appearance: (Image or description)
Bracelet colour: Sky Blue
Digivice colour: (Colour 1= Base. Colour 2= Grips & Buttons)
1= White, 2= The red on his Cloak

Likes: Ice, Peace and Quiet, Singing
Dislikes: Bullying, Arguments
Fears: Death, being alone, blood
Dreams: To one day be alone, bleeding and nearly dying, only to have a digimon come and help him

Family: (Optional) Lives with his Sister and Mother
Crush: (Optional) None

Home: (What country do you live in?) Greenland
Personality: Quiet, not a big talker

History: Long ago, Matt"s mother met his father. They married, conveniently on his birthday. And 11 years later, he was turning 12, celebrating his birthday and his parents anniversary. His younger sister was born 3 months earlier, so she was very young. The family was sitting in the dining room, and because of Matt"s like of quiet, nobody came over, and nobody said too much. Matt did not go to school, and was not even home schooled. He taught himself all things necessary to him. Reading, writing, speaking, and something strange. His father taught him about the digital world and all of its wonders. Although, (This was on the birthday/anniversary night) one night, his father was telling him a story about a tall yellow digimon, about his hight, named Renamon (Hint, Hint (;). During the story, things got too intense for his father, and he suffered from a heart attack.

His mother rushed him to the hospital, hoping that he would be able to breathe again. Although, the result was unfortunate. They had gotton there too late, and the doctor told them he had died before they even got there. Matt cried that whole day long, ran home, and went to bed. The next morning, he went to his parents room to say good morning to his mother and father. Although, he went into the room and remembered. His father was dead. He went downstairs for breakfast when he see"s a strange light, and walks towords it. He steps through, and he is somewhere, a strange white dimension with no inhabitants when he hears the following words:

“Your fate has been decided. You must learn to face your fears, and you will recieve a gift. This gift could be anything you please, now go, achieve what you were meant to do.” The room dissappeared and he was back in the kitchen. He went into his parents room, his mother was sitting there reading when she looks up. She realizes a blank expression in his face. She asks him if something is wrong. He shakes his head and says:

“Mother, I am going to bring back father. No matter what it takes…”

Other: None


Name: Dia
Nickname: Diamond (Preferred)
Species: Renamon

Gender: Female
Moves:•Diamond Storm: Throws sharpened leaves at the opponent.
•Kohenkyo: Uses a transformation art in which it copies the opponent"s appearance and re-covers itself in that texture.
•Power Paw: Engulfs fists and feet in a raging inferno of blue flames after glowing in a ghostly blue light, then leaps into the air and kicks and slices at foes.
Appearance: [insert picture sapphy used here]

Personality: Dia (Diamond) is energetic and quiet. She prefers to keep to herself and doesn"t like interacting with others. She is rather vain and hates people touching her fur, touching her tail is seen as a crime and she gets very angry when it is touched, which some people and Digimon may find difficult because of how surprisingly soft it is.
She is sensitive but easily offended and her rage is a deadly thing. One must be careful when around this Renamon as it takes a while for her to cool down, making her a vicious fighter.
Digivolution line:
Relemon -> Viximon -> Renamon -> Kyubimon -> Taomon -> Sakuyamon

As you can see, I like Egyptian Mythology :3

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMzkUriqXvs
Could not resist.


Name: Draco Flamespinner
Nickname: Drac
Species: Dracomon

Gender: Male
Baby Breath: Breathes out a high temperature sigh at the opponent.
Tail Smash: Spins its whole body to deliver a blow with its tail.
G Shurunen: Makes the horns on its head glow intensely, then fires a beam shot from the back of its mouth.


Personality: Draco is very heroic in many ways, often siding with his partner in many ways, doing ridiculously heroic poses with Kemerd. He’s very kind to other digimon and is the one to help out with things. He’s brave, and tries to do whatever he can to help somebody in need. He’s also very curious, but that often gets him in trouble.

Digivolution line:
(Preffered Line) Dracomon –> Coredramon (Blue) –> Wingdramon –> Slayerdramon \
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| EXAMON
(Optional Line) Dracomon –> Coredramon (Green) –> Groundramon –> Brakedramon /

Sorry i totally forgot them!
Gonna edit.

Pokefriends: If you haven’t noticed I also said that I was supposed to choose your partner Digimon. I will let it slide this one time but please be careful and read things twice.

Insperson: at school using my phone to write this. I will give you a partner digmon when I get back.
Intense stories can kill.

Well, that’s what I thought you meant in that post. I guess I misunderstood you.

Oh, sorry for that. Hah. Oh well.

im a person:
[spoilerMatt Horisis" Digimon:34a6jqvb]Name: [You choose]
Nickname: [You choose]
Species: Renamon

Gender: Female
Moves:[ul][li]Diamond Storm: Throws sharpened leaves at the opponent. [/li]
[li]Kohenkyo: Uses a transformation art in which it copies the opponent"s appearance and re-covers itself in that texture. [/li]
[li]Power Paw: Engulfs fists and feet in a raging inferno of blue flames after glowing in a ghostly blue light, then leaps into the air and kicks and slices at foes.[/ul][/li]Appearance:

Personality: [name] is energetic and quiet. She prefers to keep to herself and doesn"t like interacting with others. She is rather vain and hates people touching her fur, touching her tail is seen as a crime and she gets very angry when it is touched, which some people and Digimon may find difficult because of how surprisingly soft it is.
She is sensitive but easily offended and her rage is a deadly thing. One must be careful when around this Renamon as it takes a while for her to cool down, making her a vicious fighter.
Digivolution line:
Relemon -> Viximon -> Renamon -> Kyubimon -> Taomon -> Sakuyamon
Relemon -> Viximon -> Renamon -> Youkomon -> Doumon -> Kuzuhamon
