Digital Vaporeon's Maps!

Hi Everyone! This is the topic where I will put all any of which I like maps to show off in the forums. Feel free to comment on the maps as I put them up. Enjoy!

Maps made
Maps posted
Maps Saved

This is a house I made for fall, it was in my main characters house but I replaced it in favor of a more Halloween themed house

It"s being cut off, how nice

Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Best of luck! :D

The Autumn house looks pretty good, great job!

It’'s a good start! Looks real nice and serene. :la:
Maybe you could add a little more detail, like grass, more flowers? But other than that, It’s a really good start!

This map is really great! And you actually used some of my favorite tiles! :)

It is definitely a great base, but I agree, it seems a little unfinished due to detailing! You did major details, such as trees and rocks, but don’t forget the smaller ones! Grass/Pebbles can surprisingly bring a map together!

I saw you were looking through my mapping guide earlier (thank you btw), so you may have come across the cliff section already, but I think if you add some layers of cliffs, it would look nice as well!

But this cliff shape could have been a stylistic choice on your part! Best of luck, I look forward to seeing your maps.~

To be honest I do my cliffs a bit more realistic now xD, but part of the map is cut off so some things are kinda missing. I see what you mean, usually I do grass and such but I guess I decided against it this time.