Doom fruit, aka upgraded doom seed

Basically a doom seed except it makes you level 1, incase you want that for some reason
maybe give it a cool effect like getting struck by lightning when you eat it

i kinda don’t like this idea cause if someone wants a level one they could just use a lot of dooms seeds, like i get it’s time consuming but, it would stimulate the economy so uhh.
please just help your local players market by buying doom seeds? lol? :vulpixjoy:
like my take is i think it’s fair to let such niches be inconvient if they could help with the economy and player interaction

99 doom seeds.
99 doom seeds to get a level 100 back to level one.
that’s dozens of runs of a dungeon that has them
I doubt anyone would try that
plus it could be cool training your favorite mon back from the beginning

that’s why i said to buy from people, i don’t expect anybody to try to grind that much themselves,
i hold a lot of confidence that if someone made a clear request to be buying 99 doom seeds that the community would be capable of selling a couple of doom seeds each to that person,
it would require no more then 10 dooms seeds from 10 people, which seems a fairly reasonable goal to reach, and could be quickly grinded by running ekops in tanren undercity

I’m not really sure how many scenarios this would be needed for, it’s a neat idea that might be fun to see in the game but its not super practical. In terms of obtaining it it might be kinda ridiculous (ex: trading in 99 Doom Seeds).

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