“I am a new player. Which dungeons are recommended for my level?”
Let this guide answer you!
Recommended levels for beginners
lvl 1 - 4
Pebble Cave: south-east of Grassroot Town, varied types.
Seaside Cavern: south of Grassroot Town, water types.
Tiny Grotto: south-west of Grassroot Town, grass types. Has poison status so bring a few pecha berries*.
lvl 5 - 9
Bronze Training Dojo: In Marowak"s Training Dojo in Grassroot Town, varied types. Restriction: you can"t bring items.
lvl 10 - 14
Sour Root Cave (part 1): north-east of Grassroot Town, bug, poison and grass types.
Has poison status so bring a few pecha berries*.
lvl 15 - 19
Sour Root Cave (part 2): same as part 1, but with requirement HM Cut which can be found in Sour Root Cave (part 1).
Sunny Hillside: north-west of Grassroot Town, types are varied and include fire and flying.
Happiness Lake: north of Grassroot Town, water, flying and some grass types.
lvl 15 - 24
Fruity Grotto: south-west of Grassroot Town, grass types. Has poison and paralysis status.
Seafoam Cove: further south then west of Grassroot Town, water and bug types. Has poison status.
lvl 20 - 24
Island Garden: east of Grassroot Town, types vary and include grass types. Has poison and paralysis status. Requirement: HM Cut.
lvl 20-29 (with status healing move)
Jailbreak Tunnel: north-east of Grassroot Town. Varied types. Has constant paralysis and poison status, not recommended to go here without a status healing move. Requirement: HM Cut.
lvl 25 - 34
Winden Pass: far north of Grassroot Town, mostly Steel and normal types. Has hail weather. Requirement: HM Cut.
Wildfire Hills: north of Grassroot Town, fire types. Has poison, paralysis and burn status. Requirement: HM Cut.
Cliffside Relic: west then north of Grassroot Town, ground, poison, flying and rock types. Has poison status.
lvl 35 - 39
Silver Training Dojo: In Marowak"s Training Dojo in Grassroot Town, with mostly electric, but also steel and ground types. Has paralysis status.
Mt. Skylift: north then far west of Grassroot Town, this is a flying type dungeon. Has paralysis status.
Sauna Cavern (part 1): the dungeon is in Snowbasin Town. You need to find the Winden Town Hall, a rock building at the northern corner of Snowbasin Town. Types start as varied and transitions to ground, rock and fire. Has poison and burn status.
Tanren Tunnel: north-east of Grassroot Town, with ground, poison and rock types. Requirement: HM Cut (you don’t need rock smash, just cross the lake above the breakable rock).
Winden Forest (part 1): slightly north then west of Snowbasin Town, varied types including ice and water types. Has paralysis status.
Honeydrop Meadow: north of Grassroot Town, mostly bug types but prepare for grass and poison type damage as well. Has poison, paralysis and burn status. Requirement: HM Cut.
Mineral Cavern: west then far south of Grassroot Town, with water and ground types. Requirement: HM Rock Smash.
lvl 40 - 44
Gold Training Dojo: the final dungeon in Marowak"s Dojo in Grassroot Town. Varied types including fighting types.
Glitter Cavern: east of Snowbasin Town, fairy, electric and rock types. Has paralysis status.
Beach Bunker: south of Tanren City. The types are varied but mostly water and rock.
Sauna Cavern (part 2): rock and fire types. Requirement: HM Rock Smash which can be found in part 1.
lvl 40 - 49
Lake of Acuity, Lake of Verity and Lake of Valor: Acuity is east of Snowbasin Town, Verity is west of Tanren City and Valor is in Archford (which is a late-game area). Water and ground types.
lvl 45 - 49
Sunrise Temple: in the desert area in Tanren, mainly fire types.
Winden Training Dojo (east path): in the Winden Dojo, west of Snowbasin Town, fighting and ice types.
Gritty Burrow: east of Grassroot Town. Normal type dungeon. Requirement: HM Rock Smash.
lvl 45 - 54
Southern Sea: on South Outpost Island. To access South Outpost Island for the first time, go through Mineral Cavern and then use HM Surf. The Southern Sea entrance is on the southern bridge on the island. A water type dungeon with Lighting Rod presence.
Winden Forest (part 2): varied types, mainly ice.
Crystal Ruins and Crystal Castle: North of Snowbasin Town. An ice type dungeon. Requirement: HM Rock Smash.
lvl 50 - 54
Concealed Laboratory: west of Snowbasin Town. A variety of types including psychic, steel, poison and electric.
lvl 55-59
Winden Training Dojo (west path): in the Winden Dojo, west of Snowbasin Town, fighting and ice types.
Loch Lenile Cavern: north of Grassroot Town. Water and bug types. Requirement: HM Rock Smash.
Thunderstorm Forest: west then south of Grassroot Town. Electric and bug types. Has a lot of paralysis status. Requirements: HM Cut and HM Rock Smash.
Rustic Savannah: east then north of Tanren City. Varied types including normal, fire and electric.
lvl 60-64
Crescent Islet (part 1): south of South Outpost Island. Varied types including water, grass and bug types.
Sandy Shallows: south of Archford Town. A water type dungeon.
Stark Volcanic Woods: west of Archford Town. Varied types including fire, ground and grass.
Mt. Barricade: north of Grassroot Town. Mostly ground, fighting and bug types. Requirement: HM Rock Smash.
lvl 65-59
Tanren Mines (part 1): south then east of Tanren City. Poison, ground and rock types.
For more lvl 65+ dungeons
There is a list of dungeons on the PMU wikia: Dungeons. From lvl 65 and forward, a general recommended level is to be at least the max NPC level.
Can also look in my dungeon spreadsheet somewhat ordered by level.
*Pecha berries cure the poison status. They can be bought in Grassroot Town Kecleon shop.
About this guide
- The levels are just suggestions. It’s up to the player how difficult they want the game to be!
- HM Cut is in Sour Root Cave (part 1).
- HM Rock Smash is in Sauna Cavern (part 1).
- HM Surf is in Mineral Cavern.
- HM Rock Climb is in Tanren mines (part 1).
- You can use the pmu map linked below.
PMU map