Exp. All and Experience Split with 100s

I mainly just wanted to make a poll, so I’m not sure If this would be more fitting here or in General Discussion as I would actually like to see this changed.

So, the Exp. All Is a team held Item that splits and shares experience gained between the Pokemon In your team. Though, level 100 Pokemon In your team will still halve the exp despite not even being able to gain any, which Is why It doesn’t show In the battle log, but the effect of the level 100 being In your team Is still there.

The only reason I see why 100s would still split exp Is “balance”. Putting 100s In empty slots to say use other team held Items would be useful, but some people might see It as a “trade” of sorts. I’m curious as to what some other people think :pikasip:

  • 100s should still count towards the experience split
  • 100s should not split experience
0 voters

Maybe my own bias but I feel as though the exp all loses most of it’s value around level 40. I feel as though this change would make it last a bit longer in usage which would be good. Itd also increase the value of the item too. I also feel like it’d be cool if level 100s could be the one KOing wild Pokemon for experience as well, if memory serves me right no one on the team gains exp if a lv 100 got a KO.

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