Fixing the "give up" in dungeon bug(s) with a small tweak

This is a bug that happens when the user ends up giving up in a dungeon despite having non-stickied items like rev seed, escape orb, and/or escape rope available.

I believe this happens due to input issues. Either the player is trying to move too quickly right when dying and then presses “enter” to use a seed (only to notice too late that the selector was on “give up” instead)…or there is an issue with an input lag or desync between the user trying to move/select something within a very short span of time.

This is all pretty easy to avoid, however. There are two main options:

  1. An “ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO GIVE UP?” box pops up if a user chooses to “give up”, instead of just whisking the player out of the dungeon immediately. Or even two of these in a row, if you want to be extra safe.

  2. The “give up” option won’t ever, ever appear unless no other option is available (no rev seeds, escape rope, etc to use).

I know the foundation the UI is built on is somewhat hellish but in theory #1 is a very easy way to nearly permanently prevent this sort of error from happening regardless if the cause is an input issue or on the player’s side of things. #2 is a foolproof fix - since “give up” isn’t even selectable except as a last resignation, players can’t panic-skip two boxes when in the middle of a desperate co-op fight. Since the game already recognizes when an escape rope is either not in the inventory or is unusable, give up should be similar and recognize when the other items aren’t present.