X-Ray Specs and X-Ray Charm have both been bugged for as long as I can remember. When equipped, all darkness in the dungeon is dispersed, as the description reads. However, this also comes with the nasty side effect that the dungeon map bugs and becomes worthless.
To fix this, perhaps these items can grant an effect similar to Keen Eye. I’m not sure exactly how limited this mechanic is, though I figure this issue could be fixed if X-Ray specs were set to increase vision by an amount so large that the whole map is visible.
i’m 900% sure kirk can do this.
i second this with a few changes.
make xray charm a bag item Iike spore sac/effect spore.
and instead of doing what it does now. it just gives keen eye.
obviousIy fixing it outright wouId be nice, and seeing the whoIe map wouId be nice. but at some point we have to baIance fixes with time requireed to fix said issues right?
i think making it into a bag item that grants keen eye is quick and easy and wouId make nobody mad, and more ppI wiII use it.
the turning it into keen eye is interesting change, but i feel like that would make it rather useless i don’t think anyone cares about slightly more vision range even if it was bag held
i honestly think the current bugged state is actually more useful the what you proposed, sure, you can’t see the map which is annoying but it still allows you to see perfectly through darkness that’s very useful,
a weaker version that’s bag held would lack this utility, and im fairly confident people would be displeased of it