Okay, here’s how the game goes, whenever a player goes to jail a random qoute shows up with their name.
Example: 1 (Name) got eaten by actual cannibal Shia Labeouf
2 (name) didn’t know… ITS A TRAP!
3 (name) thought creepy pastas was a side dish.
We keep going until a staff member sends a (name) got released from jail qoute and we restart the count.
Game Le start:
1 (name) was shark bait. Oohaha!
1 (name) lost a children’s card game and got sent to the shadow realm.
2 (name) wrecked the arena.
- (Name) divided by zero.
P.S: Should we use the previous comment’s name instead of (Name), perhaps?
(Cloudz) got Teeter Danced by a Spinda.
(TheAwesome13th) Changed his name
(Pi2z) rides and crashes on cookies
(Shinx164) sleeping while talking and walking!
(Raibolt) falls off their own tail whilst surfing!