getting any new games?

of the upcoming games that have been released, system doesnt matter. what new game(s) are you getting.

ill be getting gta 5

I’m not sure if these count, since they’re quite old games, but I’m planning on getting Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All, and when I’m done with that, I’ll get the last game in the PW trilogy, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.

As for new games, I’m probably getting Pokemon X Version and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. I might just get the new Ace Attorney game where you play as Miles Edgeworth, too, when it comes out in America (excuse me if it’s already out). Maybe I’ll try out a Kingdom Hearts game, too.

Its not really new more old than new but might aswell, Megaman 2~ came out on eShop not to long ago~

Later in the summer, (AKA August. Give or take.) I’d like to have Harmoknight, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, Kirby Squeak Squad, one of the Pokemon Rangers, Luigi’s Mansion 2, Mario Kart 7 and The NEW Super Mario Bros Wii. I realise this is a lot but, hey, a girl can dream, can’t they?
maybe an eshop game like megaman aswell, ohoho~

Ehh… GTA V At some point. Definitely going to get Watch_Dogs at some point too.

isnt there a rule about posting beyond the last post date or was that one removed?

Ah well, I guess that doesn’t matter right now…I mean , he revived the topic and now we can continue posting here.

So…to the topic:
I will definately buy Pokemon X or Y at the release date.
After that I thought about getting Shogun 2(don’t get me into Rome 2, this one failed utterly) and Europa Universalis 4.

Pokemon x and y

Ah well, I guess that doesn’t matter right now…I mean , he revived the topic and now we can continue posting here.[/quote]

lets go “revive” the oldest topics

Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD.

Pokemon Y, Kid Icarus Uprising, LOZ: A Link between worlds mainly.

The kirby 3ds game sounds really nice too. Apparently its a mix of kirby and Mutant Mudds?..

Pokemon X, Tales of Symphonia Remake on Playstation 3… Fifa 14… yeah. Haha.~