Guild Tournament [WIP]

Welcome to the Guild Tournament!
Guildmasters and Guildmembers from far and wide!

Welcome to PMU’s first official Guild Tournament!

The details of this tournament are being kept under wraps until the time comes for them to be revealed…
Dates and Times:
Host, Volunteers, and Participants:
MasterDusk (Dausk)

Lugia of the elite (Yang101)
Superswampert45 (superswampert45)

Participating Guilds:
NomNom Delight
Grabbin Pillz

NomNom Delight would like to join for fun!

Grabbin Pillz will be sure to join :D

InsertProGuild will be in for buisness :la:

Infamous will be there.

lol i had a idea to make my own guild but now il just stay in the old one