House Command: /housetext

Here’s an Irrelevant suggestion.

I finished remapping my house because I expanded. We currently have /housesign and /housenotice as options for having text show up In our houses. Though they aren’t Ideal for what I was trying to do. In the main series’ games you can Interact objects and It can display text. House notices require you to step on the tile for the text to appear which can be unwanted for people roaming stepping on It more than once by accident. House sign would fix that, but It only works If you’re standing on the tile literally In front. Not the sides nor the back. It also always says “The sign reads:”, and sometimes you want It on something that Isn’t a sign. ;-;

Edit: Oh yeah, I almost forgot, allowing us to add a sound effect to these /housetext tiles would be nice. Only /housenotice can do that. This would basically be a combination between the two existing commands.

Sounds neat, so something like grey text when you press enter next to something and it describes it or whatever? Or do you mean something like the player themselves is talking to themself? Either way I’m on board with it.

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The former, like I said about the main series’ games, you can usually push A on various things for It to say something.


There are a few ways to go about this. We could:

  • Make it so signs can be read from any direction and/or add an option to omit “The sign reads:” text (or just get rid of it entirely)
  • Add an optional block flag to notice attributes and let players interact with them like they can with signs, but from any direction.
  • Introduce an entirely new attribute that brings up a story dialogue or a message in the chat – can choose between the two. The latter would emulate signs minus breaking the logic of facing the sign to read it.
  • A different solution I haven’t mentioned

The only question is which one… :growlithethink:


Any of these ideas is fine really, what I think is more important is reducing the cost for these signs to maybe 1 poke per character or even free, so that more players are encouraged to add text to their houses.


Either of the first two works for me.


First one seems like the most simple, I kinda like it. Though the second one sounds like it seems very polished and nice. I’m fine with either of those.