This is just a suggestion for you guys, but to be quite frank, I’m tired of seeing 2 sentence posts in roleplays. It is really almost spam to be completely honest. Because I’m so nice, I’ve decided to type some suggestions on how to add more to your posts; how to make them more… descriptive so the other person(s) can imagine the scene better.
As I said before, this is just a suggestion, so if you are one of the people who do 2 sentence posts, please do not be insulted.
Try to make a draft of your work before posting. I usually do this just to get my thoughts together and organized. This could do wonders to be honest. It is really helpful to you if you organize your thoughts before posting, by making a draft. Try free-writing, this is when you just write anything to come to mind, even if it’s silly. Eliminate the things that would make no sense, wouldn’t go along with the roleplay, or would just be out of character.
You should ALWAYS check your grammar before posting. I know some of you have Microsoft Word 2010, so you might want to type your post in that program, for spelling and grammar checks. I am unsure if this is in the regular Microsoft Word, but still, try it. In most roleplays, the grammar should be good enough to NOT make a seventh grade English teacher cry. It is also recommended to use a dictionary and thesaurus. Try not to use the same words over and over again, it makes it a bit boring to read.
I’m pretty sure we all know what a paragraph is. Be sure to hit those enter keys twice every 5 - 7 sentences. It makes it a LOT easier to read. I have a problem reading things that aren’t spaced out properly, so please at least try this method. Maybe even every 4 sentences rather than 5, it would be much appreciated if you took these words to heart with your next roleplay post ~
A lot of people have problems with this; even I do sometimes. It is a ton of work to describe something, but it really pays off. It helps both you and the person(s) you’re roleplaying with better imagine the scene. Here’s a tip, tell the color of, the shade, and the brand (if any). You really shouldn’t just say what it is, describe it. While it is up to the other person to imagine everything, you can’t just leave them to imagine the description themselves. You’re supposed to be the one telling the story in your character’s point of view, not them.
Don’t do Everything at Once
While it is fun to tell what will happen next, you should give the next poster time to do an action. I have problems with this a lot, so it’s okay if you don’t do this suggestion. You also have to keep the reader into the story, this means keeping things a mystery sometimes. This means, reveal things bit by bit in paragraphs, or reveal it in the next post. Whichever floats your boat.
Try to get into your Character’s Mind
Try to pretend you are your character, try to get into your character’s mind. Pretend you are your character and pretend what the other person’s character said was just said to you. If you were that character, how would you react? You react in some way to everything that is said and done to you, so why should you ignore dialogue and actions in your post?
So, try to get a reaction appropriate for you character, don’t move out of character. One of the worst things you can do is act out of character and make your sign-up / character personality / whatever meaningless.
Keep your Drama out of the Roleplay
This means, try to act like you’re friends. You could be worse enemies with the other person(s), and I wouldn’t care. Just because you hate them outside of the roleplay does not mean your character hates their character. Think of this like acting, the actor may not like the other actor, but their characters might be the best of friends. Think like that whilst roleplaying.
Have Fun
Have fun while roleplaying, it’s nothing serious. As I see it, roleplaying is like a game that allows you to use your imagination to act like someone else. However, while this says have fun, don’t have too much fun. All PMU forums rules apply in roleplays, this means the following: no swearing, no flaming, no trolling, PG-13 at most, and being somewhat mature.
Hopefully, you guys take this to heart while posting. I hope I don’t see any more roleplay posts with just two sentences ~ Thanks for taking the time to read. :3