How Will the Person Above You Die? [REDUX]

Basically, you post how the person above you will die, then the next person will post how YOU will die, and so on and so forth.


How will I die?

Death by soccer-ball-to-face.

Hmm… I wonder how I’ll die? o:

Death by shedding your skin off. (I would have posted, death because of the Disappearance of Suzuno (proceeds to make the song))

Hm, what death shall mock me?

Death by Fubuki hating you. c:

(Disappearance of Suzuno Fuusuke would be the best sad song ever.

And then I’ll die because it’s so sad. Literally.)

I wonder what unfortunate event will lead to my death…

You tripped on a slippery tissue and died.
I dunno. ^__^

Death by Northern Impact. ^q^

das mah suzuno~

You died, because soccer was no longer allowed in this terrible world.

Death by swift.

Death by Ultima.


Death by DEATH NOTE! Bwahahaha!

Death by BANANA!/shotdead

Death by Keyblade.

Death by Dual Keyblades!

Death by X-Blade!!! Hahahahaa
The thirteen darknesses will unite with the seven lights…

Death by child in a Darth Vader outfit.

Death by ice daggers.

From Suzuno’s White Blade hissatsu, of course. <3 /shot/

Death by CAKE

Death by burning pieces of ice cream.

looks at Namie

Death by Luraila.

Death by light from Kami no Takuto.