Alter the experience curve so that higher levels aren’t as slow-paced as they currently are
It ain’t uncommon to hear complaints that, once at a certain level threshold (varies from one person to another, but I’d say around 70s to 90s), training slows down to a crawl regardless of the dungeon you choose to grind, to which the simplest solution would be to just permanently boost the overall experience gained.
I’m not even gonna attempt try to come up with the specifics, 'cuz math’s the bane of my existence, but the least I can do is an example – With a level 90-ish runner and a Miracle Chest equipt, a complete training run in Mysterious Jungle grants, in average (for me at least), one level and a half. With this hypothetical permaboost in the picture, I’d imagine that’d change to somewhere around two levels full stop.
Keep the experience curve as is, but add sizing Exp Seeds in the style of mainline’s Exp Candies
I’m not sure how exactly you’d introduce these into PMU (Inside endboxes? As random drops from enemy Pokemon? Or purchasable in a special shop?), but they’re pretty much self-explanatory: Train up to a certain point, then let the Exp Seeds do the rest for you – or just let 'em do your entire work!
Keep in mind I’m NOT demanding these to be added exactly as I specified; I put ideas on the title for a good reason. Feel free to chime in with your own suggestions if you want!
There’s already an item in PMD that could do something to solve this, the Training Seed. Though in-game, it is used to increase move experience, since move experience doesn’t exist in PMU, it could instead be implemented in a way where it boosts EXP for the current floor, maybe by 2x or 3x.
The 70s/90s are around when you don’t need to train anymore, you can do most dungeons just fine at that point, you don’t need to train them just do something else using them and get exp along the way
From what I understand, you’re saying training up to level 100 is something “optional” that isn’t worth investing time onto.
Besides that there exist entire sub-communities around things their games aren’t built around nor reward and thus can also be considered optional, like speedruns and nuzlockes, you’re ignoring the fact that, just because something isn’t required doesn’t mean its gotta be a slog to get through/reach – otherwise, why even bother adding that feature to begin with, if you don’t want players doing it?
Doesn’t help PMU’s endgame is so barren with content that a majority of players will usually gravitate towards level 100 training anyway, so it ain’t exactly a one-off niche either.
Now, this comment bothers me a bit so im gonna toss my opnioneted opnion here,
first of all, i’m not against the idea to improve training, i think having a consumable item to boost exp could go quite well and i would be half exited to see them, for as long as they don’t trivialize training.
now, to question some of the statments made here,
Hard, HARD disagree, pmu’s end game is the MOST content we have, that’s where most dungeons with interesting mechanics and loot is, like dragon descent, dynamo sands, seafloor ruins, taren chambers,
i personally found it very easy to go through many lv100s while grinding for stuff in those dungeons!
the early game barely lasts a few hours and the “mid game” is just level grinding to get to the later content since most dungeons there lack any sort of interesting items or pokemon. so like geez man if the end game content is so barren what do you? quit the game after getting a engraved tablet because you already ran out of content?
Now, this sounds, a bit silly comparison to me to be honest. isn’t the point of doing those to challenge yourself? wouldn’t making those easier and less of a pain defeat the point? wouldn’t every nuzlocker ever hate with a burning passion if the game if they added a mechanic that i dunno gave all your current and future pokemon bonus stats for every pokemon you release? people did heavily disliked the exp share feature they added in sun and moon, and nuzlockers do consider exp candys in sword and shield high cheating!
also in twilight princess there’s a bug heavily used in speedrunning, the idle animation for looking at a item after opening a chest is cut short by 1 frame, meaning that link slightly moves while in this idle position without being affected by collision, this is a very slow process, taking several hours to go past a wall, yet speedrunners eat it up like it’s candy, they adore it! one of the current world records for lowest% litteraly stare at a rupii for like 17 hours straight!
all of this to say, i think you have to keep in mind many people do optional content to feel special and feel like they have achived something other people would struggle and give up trying to do, wouldn’t suck to feel like you spent so much time grinding something just for some time later to people to get a short cut to do what you just did but way faster? it would feel like you got cheated out of your achivement,
so, again i’m not against the idea of getting a neat little way to lightly speed up leveling for people who have already poured hours in the game,
but just wanted to make notice that making optional content easier/faster to get isn’t always a good thing and that it’s not a black and white question!