Increase the belly yield for big bananas

Currently when running dungeons with multiple players, resources are spread more thinly. This leads to players being incentivized to run dungeons without an extreme surplus of apples and ethers alone.
Elixirs are effective at helping to fix this on the PP side of things, by scaling dropped PP restores to the number of players present, but the closest thing belly restoring items have to this is the RageCandyBar, which has limited distribution due to being a more novelty item. However, we currently do have a more common food item that, in my opinion, is ripe for a rework…

Bananas and large bananas currently aren’t very useful. By the time they’re obtained, it’s likely you’ll start to focus on a single “main runner” per dungeon run, and the other 3 will rarely need their belly restored. On top of this, they heal less per pokemon than their equivalently-tiered apples. So there’s little to no reason to pick them up.

So I propose that they be reworked to instead function like belly versions of elixirs, healing the same as their equivalent-tier apples to your active pokemon and nearby allies, instead of your own active and inactive team members. These can then be placed in more dungeons to make them less likely to starve out parties larger than 1 player.

They do have a function already with party heals, but sure Looking at how much they heal can work.
As for ally healing like Elixirs we have the RageCandyBar and BoxOfChocolates, but perhaps can look for a proper teired system similar to regular apples.

Well, Rage Candy Bars are only In TC and Dream Grove, and It only gives 30 belly. Not sure about the Box of Chocolates ( the description also mentions nothing about restoring belly ).

I’m not aware of a lot of players who cycle through and run aroind with all their pokemon enough to warrant a team-wide belly heal, but if the functionality of bananas has a niche people want kept then some alternate items could work. (The bananas definitely could still use their numbers being bumped up a little either way)

Yeah, unlike max elixirs which are simply rarer than ethers but provide the same functionality to yourself, the shared belly-restoring items are pitifully weak. (And are also specialty items) I’ve never found them to be viable, really.

It’s why I say there could be proper versions, a Mid and a Max one like apple and big apple. And bananas being buffed a bit closer to apple levels but not as much.