Increasing the member limit for parties

I think you should be able to make an 8 person party, instead of just randomly meeting your Guild in dungeons. Since when there is 8 people the EXP. isn’t shared and Pokemon aren’t so in example HC this could get annoying seeing your Guild memebrs killing everything, recruiting your stuff & nicking your EXP…

So I think there should be commands like /guildparty, /leaveguildparty & /kickguildparty.

I think this would improve the system since I have bumped into my Guild in dungeons and have decreased my EXP. gain by quite a bit.

not sure if they even can do that but even so you could always just wait a minute or tell them to wait a minute and pass eachother

Four people is more than enough. Any more would be beyond broken. It’s already makes the game easy having just another player around, I couldn’t imagine how easy things would be if you could have 7 people helping you.

I think constantly running into guild members is a bigger issue of being in guilds with a very large amount of people. I just don’t think devs had it in mind for guilds to get that big. Also like Chrollo said you could just coordinate with them using guild chat.

However, it does get inconvenient to see other’s guilds when you party with them. A way to avoid it when partying with others would be nice though.

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I mean, imagine 8 people on 1 floor romping around spamming nothing but aoe’s in every room. Training is already easy, especially in party’s, that would become ridiculously easy, lol.
I wouldn’t mind it if this was done in special occasions / dungeons if there was ever a way to work around that. Would be quite neat.


I kind of agree that 4 party members is enough. You also get 4 team members, so the number is symmetric xD

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