Jackal's Junk

It has been like a year since I"ve played this game wowee<3 I"ve changed a lot so please don"t judge me by my ignorant and old posts. Anywho, this is where I"ll post up my houses or dungeons/other maps! uvu I haven"t done these in forever yeehaw

This is my deserty mountainy thing haha?? I dont know??? ?? ??? citation needed. call life alert
Anyways this was my first house thing since I got back on PMU! yaaay confetti woo (◕‿◕✿)

and um yeah that"s it!! I"ll be updating frequently though heehehehege

The map’s so well made I actually thought this was Sauna for a sec :@~@:

I suggest using Mask 1 for the more mountainous parts. So that the whole map is covered and there’s no gray patches.