Hi there … Hoping it is in the right section :D … I know that Holiday Cave Is not released yet but … Yeah I feel like posting my wish list of pokemon i would like to obtain in this year’s HC … If you want i might offer some pokemons …
Hardly wanted
Beldum , Bagon
Cubone , Hippopotas , Turtwig , Bulbasaur , Totodile , Mudkip , Larvitar
Drifloon , Murkrow , Kecleon , Cryogonal , Smeargle , Wailmer
What can I offer ?
All recruitable pokemons in PMU
Squirtle , Piplup , Charmander , Cyndaquil , Torchic , Chimchar , Chikorita , Treecko , Togepi , Munchlax , Skitty , Meowth , Pichu/Pikachu , Shinx , Mareep , Pachirisu , Rhyhorn , Phanphy , Natu , Meditite , Abra , Ralts .
Rare Pokemons (Fossils,Holiday Cave Events,Rare Pokemons)
Cranidos , Aerodactyl , Kabuto (I Own Also Claw fossil)
Rare Pokemons (FROM DUNGEONS)
Riolu , Feebas , Joltik , Porygon , Cubchoo , Nosepass
Holiday Cave Events Pokemon (Some Of Them may be in This Year’s Event…)
Stantler , Carnivine , Delibird , Seedot , Buneary , Sewaddle , Ledyba , Happiny , Spinda , Scyther , Tangela , Tropius , Cacnea , Aipom , Pinsir , Croagunk , Skorupi , Stunky , Zorua , Mime Jr. , Litwick , Vanillite
NOTE: I Can Offer also Items for pokemons that i badly need … So Let me know and see you in game.
In-game Name : DKR95