Too much work for something that can already be done with the wielder only Everstone.
Trips traps don’t let allow that as an option. So you’d rather keep useless level 100’s because it interferes in your never-ending process of making more useless level 100’s?
I’d rather keep still functional level 99s to raise everyone else to that level or at least 50.
You can’t keep functional 99s without doom seeds or an RNG moveset.
A lesser evil over training runs not working if you want them to be easy.
There’s no logic to this at all. You literally want to have to grind doom seeds to grind levels, and in the end, all so that you can do nothing with it unless you grind more doom seeds. Turning to back-handed insults like “Oh, you just want training runs to be easy” won’t make this argument any better.
I’m pretty sure if you ask people who use everstone, 8 of 10 people will say that everstone is usually most useful for training.
I wasn’t doing any back-handed insults, though?
What I meant by “easy training run” is to grab a Pokemon that’s of a way higher level than the dungeon and zoom through it with an Exp. All and maybe an Everstone on the mon you’re zooming with.
You do notice that by making Everstone team held, it won’t make only the active mon stop getting experience, right? Very convinient for you, oh late game player that uses only one Pokemon to power level every player around. But for literally everyone else, the item becomes useless and the lvl 90-something mon even more of a detriment.