Make Spirit Tags easier to farm

In short, Spirit Tags, found only in the side paths of Spectral Thicket, are throwable items that are based off of the special attack stat. They are the only throwable items in the game to scale this way. During a run, I’d be lucky to find more than 10 of them if I check every item spawn. I’m hoping their spawn rate can be dramatically increased, and/or that there is a consistent amount of them spawned in the dungeon’s endrooms to make them more viable to use.

Looking at the item pools of the side paths now, they have 50+ items in them including every status-healing berry in the game, including statuses that can’t come from the dungeon, 6-7 tms that are only status moves, blast seeds in a level 70 dungeon, over a third of every single orb in the game, and just so much filler that spirit tags really can’t spawn much at all.

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No experience with the dungeon or item in question, but I figure I’d throw in my 2 cents.

The idea of having more viable throwables to use in setups or with specific mons is pretty cool, and I think a unique item like this ought to be obtainable in large enough quantities to be worth using. In general, I think more of the unique throwables/consumables could do with a similar buff.

Ideally, raising the spawn rate, or increasing the amount gained per batch would be a good idea. The item could also simply just be added for Poke somewhere. Having unique, powerful throwables available for Poke would be a good way to induce more spending.

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As someone who keeps joy Iongbow in my bag permanentIy, and uses it on a very reguIar basis, i can confirm that i wouId indeed use throwabIes if they came often enough. the fact that they stack is key.

if they spawned on a reguIar basis in a dungeon that i shiny hunted in, i wouId definiteIy probabIy have used that instead of buying the Iongbow

i think a Iot of dungeon Ioot tabIes need to be adjusted. whiIe i don’t think spirit tags are a top priority. i don’t see why we can’t start in spthicket and tanren chambers; it shouIdn’t be too hard right? just remove the garbage, keep that in the Iower and medium IeveI dungeons