Mega Stones as New Fam Items?

so i’ve been watching a bunch of videos on competitive pokemon and it got me wondering if certain pokemon would be better if mega stones were in the game. maybe the stones could give a +20 (i think that’s the silk or dust boost) to both attack stats and grant the team’s [pokemon here] the mega’s ability when held by a team member?

i mentioned both a stat boost and an ability thing since some megas would have the same ability that they already have on pmu and some of the megas come from pokemon with a single type so they can’t get the huge boost dual types get. alternatively, a movement speed buff could probably work too, but i don’t think most of these pokemon would make good 4x runners anyway if they aren’t already.

as for how to get them… uh… maybe a shop item in the dratini place? apparently that place talks about mega evolution?

This would be an interesting mechanic, but IMO wouldn’t make sense for a team member to hold it. I know that would be so you could still use an item on them, but the mega stone would be the item, especially with the boost. I feel the silk/dust equivalent of a boost works and makes sense as well as getting them from Teric in Dragon’s Descent since the lore is already there for it, but I could see a separate Mega Stone dungeon being added (like TC-esque) to fight the pokemon for a drop (like a heart slate). The speed boost would be interesting, basically replacing crystal/gem for that specific pokemon, but I agree, not sure it would make them any better runners at that point.


I don’t think i quite understand what you’re proposing here,

Why boosting the stats like silk and dusts? Mega evolutions already have increased stats, Very highly increased stats, why put even more buffs on them? Unless you’re proposing to make them have the same stats as the originals?

Another point I’m quite confused about,what are you trying to say here? To give the mega evolution ability together with the pokemon original abilitys or to replace them?

Mega evolutions are extremely powerful, proposing to make them even stronger dosent sounds like the best way to go to have them added.

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Uh…I should clarify some things. I’m just talking about the stones existing without mega evolution being added to the game, since I think that’s a lot of coding and there’s also sprites that have to be made too.

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Huh. That’s a interesting concept, sorta sounds like the awaken mechanic that was in super. Which greatly boosted a pokemon after finding the stone (which is also what triggered mega evolution of able pokemon)

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sorry late to the party. dont read forums

this is a GREAT idea

i agree with some of the sentiments that the previous posters have pointed out, yes.

but those can be fixed. we just need more imagination.

with some refinement i feel like this could be a viable option