Minor conveniences (menus & commands)

I’d love to get these three updates included at some point in future if they won’t do much trouble:
:black_small_square: Shortened commands aliases (for /news /online /refresh and message jugglers);
:black_small_square: Moves summary;
:black_small_square: [Ground] menu - quick summary of an item stepped on.

i think the ground menu is being talked about atm but ye some commands being shortened would be cool and quite easy to do :)

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/refresh doesn’t need shortening as there’s a Hotkey just for it already, Believe it’s the End Key?
Moves summary is discussed in a different topic. Same for the other thing.

However, what other commands need a shorter alternative? Be aware some have some already.


I will definitely say that the house commands could use some shortening, particularly the /leavehouse command. It’s cumbersome to type and easy to get wrong.

Also, yes. Refresh’s hotkey is the End key.