my haiku (PLEASE READ)

not feeling so well
feeling sick to my stomach
and having the runs

(counts how many parts to it to make it haiku)

not:1 feel:2 ing:3 so:4 well:5
feel:1 ing:2 sick:3 to:4 my:5 stom:6 ach:7
and:1 hav:2 ing:3 the:4 runs:5

I know you feel bad.
But why create a haiku?
It’s better unsaid.

I: 1 know: 2 you: 3 feel: 4 bad: 5
But: 1 why: 2 cre: 3 ate: 4 a: 5 hai: 6 ku: 7
It’s: 1 bett: 2 er: 3 un: 4 said: 5

Seriously, too much information. It’s better you say nothing of what you’re doing while sick.