Need help getting though Cliffside Relic

I need help getting through Cliffside since I want to evolve my Lv. 30 Ralts. Does anyone have any ways for me to attempt to solo it with Ralts or any other Pokemon that would be good to use for the dungeon as backups? Any from easier dungeons recommended


First up, i hope you already know that you have to complete the dungeon yourself, can’t have other players go with you.

Now for actual advice…

  • The wiki is your best friend for knowing what to bring
  • If you’re doing it with Ralts, make sure they’re not the leader (first Pokemon from the left). Leader fainting means you lose, but not the leader fainting means you get to swap Pokemon and use an Escape Orb.
  • I found Staryu went surprisingly well (my starter was Shinx so i definitely needed something else)
  • Do not touch the Dugtrios.
  • When you reach the boss, keep hitting it and it will not hit you back. Welcome to hitsun.
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