New party feature

I think there should be a boost in shiny spawns in dungeons when in a party each time adding a 1% increase meaning you will have a total of 4% shiny spawn chance per floor i think this will allow the community to come together and work together and make shiny hunting more enjoyable

4% chance is way too high. That’s a pretty insane chance for a shiny to spawn.

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Even .4% would be a noticeable difference, but I like your overall idea, especially since I believe sand boxing has been disallowed, it won’t be abused.


Maybe i don’t really know what the shiny odds are in pmu so i was just guessing randomly but what do you think it should be??


Well they aren’t static, they are depended on the pokemon, so a base % increase won’t work, a 1.5x for each party member multiplier seems relatively fair, since it still doesn’t equate to being “fair” for each players, if it was “fair for each player” I could see it being abused, maybe even a 1.25x multiplier for 1 player additional, stacking .25 more each time up to a 2.0x multiplayer, rather than an 1.5x compressed for each player, I think there should be a multiplier though, it’s why I like your suggestion, it’s not really fair that more players doesn’t equate to more shinnies, since if 4 players want a shiny it’s kinda tough luck. But as I mention it’s down to the amount and whither to compress it after each player or have it be an additive bonus, I don’t know the code so I honestly can’t tell you what would be easiest, although thats probably what should be done about it, what ever is easiest of the two I have suggested.

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I think this function could be really nice, even if the numbers are a wip. It could maybe even vary dungeon to dungeon (higher boost in early to mid game dungeons, lower boost in endgame dungeons that people mostly run in as a party anyway - MJ)


That’d be great. but I think shiny chance boost it has to be covered and unpacked not only for parties. Something like an item, rank or even level.

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