(*Not Pokemon Related) I'm making a novel, but...

Secretly, at this interestingly small age of 12, I am actually writing a novel; though, I’d like the audiences judgement of the novel before I start writing it.

The novel’s name will be Loopholer, not much of a catchy title, huh? Okay now it’s time to catch you with the storyline.


There was something else that happened after the seven days of God creating the world, he felt pity to a certain type of animals: The insects. Weak and barely lumbering, with one of their kind easily dying, he had too much pity, and gave them a plan, unluckily, this plan was only able to take place in the year of 839. God gave insects the ability to turn into humans who had the strange abilities to create “Loopholes”, objects that distort space and time, allowing travel through important events in time.

Each Loopholer has a special ability, may it be physical or long-range; the strongest of all being the Atlas Moth, unluckily, to the sadness of insects, only orphaned human beings who are chosen as Loopholers can have the history of an Atlas Moth, thus, many corrupted Loopholers seek the power of an Atlas Moth.

(Not so interesting storyline… huh?)


Attacus Maigo: The 39th human Loopholer (and main protagonist of the story). Not very intelligent, and quite troublesome due to his history as a child; he still has a pure heart. Blurge and Aegis found him sneaking into a party without an invitation, but looked stunning in “stolen” clothes. Happy-go-lucky, he can get the gang into trouble in more than millions of ways. Even though his dumb stature, he understands life; knowing what’s in it, the concepts, and can even differentiate true good and evil.

Blurge Gvidon Korsakov: One of the Loopholers that help Attacus in his adventure. Originally a
Cuckoo Bee (mainly a bumblebee). A weapon expert due to his nifty instrument: Bdaze (pronounced as tai-sz), which can turn into any instrument ever recorded in human and insect mythology and reality. Though his confusing name, he is not to be confused to be some Russian terrorist trying to annihilate everything in his way (okay, maybe sometimes he does that.), he is a caring “father-attitude” guy, and it doesn’t matter how much of a spoiled brat you are, he will always give you a hand at random times. Not much of a woman’s-man he is highly incompetent and shy towards females.

Aegis Depleveri Loiam: The “leading lady” of the novel and also one of the Loopholers that help Attacus on his journey. Originally a Eastern Tiger Swallowtail. Abandoned by most insects because of having “no beauty” she resorted in multiple anger issues and is enraged by a simple inch of imperfection. Serious and hard-headed as she is, Aegis easily falls in love with any man (Blurge mainly teases her when a boy with glasses passes by, all to the dismay of Aegis blushing.) and will do anything for one. Her weapon “Iris” is a rapier which with a single whip can cause a million of tornadoes, well, of course she can control it!

So, waddya’ guys think. It’s still a work in process, but I know you might love it. Extra ideas (negative or otherwise) will be fairly accepted.

I must say, I love the plot. Insects aren’t exactly the easiest thing to base a novel around… but you seem to have thought up a great one. Loopholer isn’t a bad title. Something like that or simply Loophole, or… well you get the idea. The title works, the plot works, so I say, the story’s gonna work. Good luck with it! :la:

o: Fantastic Novel, Eff! I dare say, that you are a very good writer thingy. :) Keep up the good work, and good luck!~

Good idea! I’d love to read it!~ Keep it up.

(Under what pen name are you going to be writing it, and in which country will it be released? I’d like to read it. :o)

Really? Stories about insects are that-- Realizes he has grown up with animals of all kinds his whole life as a replacement for his family I guess people don’t have the same history as me… Loopholer is an ‘okay’ title? Well, I guess I may have to tweak it up a bit!

Thanks, well, for now, the book will state me is “Golden Glinoga” (Only part of this name is my real name) and; since it’s where I live; it will be released mainly in the Philippines.

Really? Stories about insects are that-- Realizes he has grown up with animals of all kinds his whole life as a replacement for his family I guess people don’t have the same history as me… Loopholer is an ‘okay’ title? Well, I guess I may have to tweak it up a bit!

Thanks, well, for now, the book will state me is “Golden Glinoga” (Only part of this name is my real name) and; since it’s where I live; it will be released mainly in the Philippines.[/quote]
Guess I worded that wrong… anyway, it IS a good title. Sorry if it sounded like that. :':

Thanks, well, for now, the book will state me is “Golden Glinoga” (Only part of this name is my real name) and; since it’s where I live; it will be released mainly in the Philippines.[/quote]

Thank you for letting me know. :joy: I hope it becomes popular enough to be released in North America… :D

This is epic, Effu!

…wait, Philippines?

